
小六兒子的連載小說2    (100/6/16)

Passios Acconist-Camp God-kiddie

This story is only suitable for children between twelve to eighteen years old.


“What will we do to this naughty boy that breaks the fountain and many carvings? Ha~!”She asks me. I don’t know what to say and I don’t want to say any thing.

Then she became bigger and bigger, no! She’s transforming into another thing, like a big … monster! A Fury! Fury is a goodness in ancient Greece that are dreadful creatures that can kill you in without ten second. And now, I’m facing the powerful creature that could kill a person easily.

Suddenly, the door opened, with Teacher Feromes standing there, he throws a black pen to me. I don’t know how to kill a monster with a pen, but I still open it. Then the pen quickly transformed into a sword with a side made with light brass and steel on the other side; on the brass side, the edge of the sword looks like a fish that’s cutted on the back bone with a big curve on the side of it; but on the steel side, the edge of the sword looks a lot different than the other side, the edge looks more sharper than the other side, it looks like a upside down maple leaf cut in half when it’s line symmetry. So it becomes a very strange sword that I had ever seen, the strangest thing is that the brass side’s sword edge was surrounded with a dark smoke that looks like magic, and the steel side was surrounded with white lights that looks light lightning.

The Fury ran toward me with a big lighting ball surrounded with fire on her hand , and she’s going to hit me with that. I pick up the sword, it’s about one point one meters long and about fifty pounds heavy, I swing the sword from the right side since the Fury is going to use its right hand too. I’d learn some skills of attacking with sword. I’m faster in the way, but will it be success? “BOOM!” we made a big sound and the museum shake hardly. I saw the Fury was separated in to sand-size pieces and disappeared, no blood, no fear, and no body left.

Then Teacher Feromes walk in. “Congratulations! My good student! ”he said. I couldn’t move my lips. In the last day until graduation, and I killed a teacher in a museum, and break a fountain and many wall carvings. Teacher Feromes pick up the cap and put it on the top of the sword, and the sword then transformed back to the black pen. I looked on the pen, it said Half-Blood on it.

 I think is the relationship of the light and the smoke. “This is yours.” he said. I looked at him with doubt, and then we go out of the museum and saw Gader sitting on the floor.

“Where’s Teacher Dokkler?!” I asked.

“What? Who’s Teacher Dokkler?” Gader replied with a anxious face.

“Our class teacher! Teacher Dokkler! Don’t you remember?” I shouted. Gadar kept shaking his head and said “No! No! But who’s Teacher Dokkler?” all the time.

I don’t think he’s lying to me, but he seemed like there’s really no teacher called Dokkler in our class. Then I go back with a bad mood.



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