2008-7-27(SUN) ~ 2008-8-4 (MON)
(The week after will be write into a dairy.)
On Sunday, we went to a mall in the town to shop for clothes. It’s one of the biggest mall in Us, but most of the stores inside are selling clothes. So we all went to shop to shop for some things for a long time. We also went to the supermarket later and shop for some more food that we need. And the rest of the time, we stay at Auntie Beth’s home and tried to use the bait up since we bought some more.
On Monday, we also spend a lot of time at Auntie Beth’s house fishing, but when it get hotter (about eight), we still went inside, because it’s too hot to fish any thing. It’s harder to fish these days, there are some cat fish beside the dock that causes a lot a problems, and we can only fish those.
After we finish the breakfast, Mr. Spearman went to Minneapolis and changes the car into a van for our trip this week. So Robbie, Eu, and I went into Auntie Beth’s room and use her computer to watch cartoons. We mostly watch the movies about Shana (season two), but the computer is slow, so we can only watch a few. It’s still good to use the computer. I also brought to little kids to Auntie Carrio’s house to water the plants, it gets too hot, and so we played a little bit of water.
At noon, we stay at the house and make dessert with Auntie. We bake some peanut butter bread, and bake some chocolate chip cookie. They’re all really tasty. The little ones are still fighting, Zoe also spill the drink that Auntie make on the ground while eating the chips. Auntie is angry about them. So Auntie make them did their home work and they can only watch. We also went downstairs to exercise after lunch.
Later at night, Robbie, Eu, and I stay up stairs watching TV and eat the bread and cookies that we make in the afternoon with the orange juice that we bought. All of us (except Mr. Spearman) get really full by the snacks that we make. We can’t play PSP so we can only watch TV till late at night.
On Tuesday, we went to the Water Park in the town. Auntie, said that they’ve been to another Water Park in Minneapolis , and it’s cheaper here, but a bit smaller. We play on the water slides and we also play with basketball and volley ball in water. I didn’t play the basketball, but Eu and Robbie always hit the ball on me, so later I played volley with them. But it’s really hard to play in water.
At noon, we buy some fast food for lunch, on the way back. Auntie also buy some Mocha for Eu and I to try. The coffee here tastes better, it’s denser than the coffee in Taiwan . We also went to Cub Food and shop for more food that we need, Auntie also tell us some of the food here are better, so all of us but a little more in the supermarket.
In the afternoon, we also went to the dock and fish for a long time, but we can’t catch the fish we want (like Bass and Perch). So we went back and have some cold drinks that Auntie make for us, it’s really good. Robbie stayed upstairs to watch TV, but Eu and I did some home work at the first floor. Auntie gives us a lot of snacks to try, the cookies that she bought before.
We also make some pizza and cinnamon rolls to eat. We had pizza as dinner, we baked two pieces, and we only finish one and a little more, so we keep the rest of it for tomorrow to Duluth . We first went upstairs and pack our things, and later, we bring drinks upstairs to drink while watching TV Shows of the Ghost hunter. We also went to sleep very late.
On Wednesday morning, we pack up all the food and the drinks after breakfast. And then put them all on the van and started heading to Duluth . It was a really long drive. Eu and Robbie also had some problem looking at the map. I should be looking at the map, but I need to sit at the back with the little guys (Eu and Robbie don’t want to), and I can’t hear what Mr. Spearman is asking, so Eu and Robbie are looking at the map. I slept a little on the way, but, Jenny and Zoe wake me up all the time, so I decided not to sleep any more.
We first try to find Mr. Spearman’s relative house, but we fail, so then we went to the mall. The Mall is large! We first went to the bookstore and shop for books, I didn’t buy any, Robbie, Eu, and I stand there and look at the mages. I didn’t buy any books at that time, because I want to come later by myself and buy my own books. Then we went to shop for clothes in two stores. I first bought two clothes at one, and buy a cloth for my brother at a bigger store called Seals. Jenny and Zoe buy a lot of clothes at Seals, and they used up their money. So Auntie let them use her money first.
Later we went to other places to buy other things and we went back to the hotel and rest. We live beside each other, and there’s a door between the two rooms so we can go to another room. Eu and I went back to the mall near by and I went back to read the mages, and Eu went back and find her book. We spend a long time in the bookstore, and them we went to the Star bocks to buy coffee for Auntie. We went back and take a shower, and later, we eat the snacks and watch some cartoons (the little guys) and baseball games.
Thursday, we had breakfast in the hotel (I didn’t get really full). Later, we went back to the room and watch TV for a while, and then we headed to the dock on the Lake Superior . We went on a ship and went around a part of the lake. We also saw a lot of the big transport ship around the great lakes to send the things from the east coast of US. The ships are really big, and there are a lot of factories there. The lake is so big that we can’t see the other side. We buy a lot of things from the shop at the lake.
When we headed back, we first went to find the house that once belongs to Mr. Spearman’s family. At lunch, we eat Burger King. The strange thing is that Eu, Robbie, and I all had double cheese burger (our drink is different), and we didn’t talk about this before! This time, I did had a long sleep, some of us sleep on the way, because we’re too tired.
We all went back and we first watch TV in the basement. Then Eu and Robbie went upstairs and fight for the bathroom to take a shower first, and Robbie went it first. Later the little guys went to take a bath downstairs and Robbie come down and watch TV with me. This is the first time that only two of us are together in these days, we played a little pillow fight downstairs, and also finish the TV show about another ghost house.
We had dinner with Auntie Beth in the house and Eu and I help cook the dinner. Auntie also make Walite for Mr. Spearman and Auntie Beth (Mr. Spearman bought it at the Cub House). Auntie Beth also gives half of her fish to Robbie. The other dishes are also good and tasty. Yum, I get full to finish clean up the food (Auntie cooks a lot)
Friday, we pack up our things and clean Auntie Beth’s house. Robbie was first called to clean the floor with vacuum, but later it becomes my job to do it. Auntie noticed it when I went up stairs when Auntie tells me to clean the window. All of us cleaned really hard, I finish the last, Eu and Robbie already went in and watches TV at the basement. I clean the table out side twice, because Robbie sprayed some bug poison on it, so I have to clean it again. But later we all have some Mocha smoothes for us. Robbie also drink some wine so he feel terrible while watching TV.
We used up all of our bait later after finishing packing up all of the things. We finish up most of the food, and we also finish cleaning up the things and to prepare to leave this house tomorrow morning. We had our last dinner with Auntie Beth.
Later after everyone takes a shower, we went to a restaurant and had dinner with Auntie Beth. I had a Walite (a kind of fish there), Auntie Beth told me that it taste good, so I tried some and it’s really tasty. Everyone get really full, Auntie can’t finish her desert, so I help them eat their dessert. Auntie all ready know that I can eat a lot, but she can’t believe that I really eat a lot until that supper.
We went to the smaller store to buy for breakfast tomorrow, Robbie and Auntie Beth went back to fish first. After we finish shopping in the store, we went back and fish. We also canoed on the lake too! That’s my plan to canoe on the lake. I first sat in the middle, but Robbie wouldn’t paddle because of the speed boat on the lake so I also need to paddle. It was so funny to see Robbie in that position, but canoeing is really fun. It’s my first time canoeing!
Later at night, we all sit in the living room (except Mr. Spearman) and watch the flash pictures that Auntie Beth had. We also hear the strange songs that Robbie played on her computer while eating the dessert before sleep. As usual, we also watch some TV shows that Mr. Spearman record for us, and we also went to sleep lately.
The rest of the time, we’re still watching TV until late at night. We’ll leave here tomorrow, memories are appearing in my mind, like the time that I leave the camp. I really like here too, I wish to come back.
Saturday morning, we first eat breakfast (the food we bough yesterday). Auntie Beth also helps us to print out the boarding passport from the Internet. Later, we put our entire luggage on the van and leave the house. We are heading to Minneapolis , we slept on the way, we drove for a long time, and we eat and drink on the way.
Finally we got to our hotel and put our things in our room. Auntie also shows us the water park that they’ve been before. Then we went to the Mall of the America , the biggest mall in US. We went shopping for a while, we were separated into three groups. Eu and I went to shop for presents for other people and we went to a book store, the some book store in Duluth . I found the book that I want, and I bought. We stay there for a long time reading mages.
Later, all of us went to the amusement park in the Mall of America. Eu and I need to take care Jenny and Zoe, so we went to play with them. Later, Robbie, Auntie, Eu Jenny, Zoe, and I went into the ghost house and play. Our cart (two people in a cart) is a bit broken, there are two guns, one with sound but broken, and the other is OK but without the sound. We’re trying to fix them, so we didn’t play a lot and only have a few points.
Later, we went back to the hotel, and we take turns taking turns taking bath and then stay on the bed and drink soda and eat chips while we what the TV show – Naruto until ten. Then Auntie tells us to go to sleep, because we need to get up early in the morning to the airport tomorrow.
On Sunday morning, we wake up really early morning, and headed to the airport. The little ones didn’t really sleep through the night, so Eu can’t sleep well and wake up a lot of times. I’m the only one who really sleep from ten o’clock to the morning. We went to the airport and check out for a long time (the lines are long).
When we went on the airplane, we all sleep a little on the flight to Huston , Texas , because we get up really early in the morning. Eu and I sit together, I had breakfast on the airplane. The cereal on it tastes strange, it’s not sweet. But later on the flight to Tokyo , Japan , I need to sit with Jenny. She sleep most of the way on the airplane, and didn’t eat a lot. We watch a lot of movies on the way, we also watch Harry Potter 4 on the plane!
We had a lot of time at the Tokyo airport, so we went to buy some food and eat. We also buy some candies at the store. On the flight back, we sat on the second level of the airplane. At first I thought that the second level is where the first class are, but now I know that it’s the economy class (on Japan Airline). We played the games, and we also watch the Kongfu Panda. It’s a really funny movie, and we finally get back to the airport. The night sight of Kaohsiung City is wonderful, we finish all of our things to board in to Taiwan quickly, and we get back to Andrew at about eleven.
This trip to USA is really fun, I wish to go back, but I probably don’t have the chance. Well, I still have a lot of memories with me, this is the best trip that I ever have since now.