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Do What You Think


Do you ever do your own thing during your free time? Doing your own thing can make you happy. I think my parents should allow me to do my own thing on Sunday afternoon.

I need some rest. On Sundays, I have to practice five times a week. Also, I need to clean my room, which takes a lot of time. Then I won’t have time to rest.

I want some free time. I need it because you always tell me to do this, that …lots of things. I’ll be too tired. Also, if I have free time, I can let off some pressure.

Lastly, I can do the things I like! I can go to the places I’ve never been to in Tainan City so I can know more about them. Also, I can go to thenearby school to play or exercise.

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 Huelien Ocean Park


“What is the place called that we are going to, is it Hualien Ocean Park ?” I asked. After a long drive. We arrived at the Park.

The first thing I did was rush out of the car. When I was trying to go up and play my dad pulled me down because he thought I might get lost.

We got on an elevator and we started going up higher and higher, all the way to the top of a hill.

I saw different places where I could play, eat and do many things. We went to play first. There were so many things to play on it was hard to decide what to play first. The last thing I played on was the most fun. It was called the Circling Shells. When I played on it, it turned as fast as the light, it become faster until I started to slow down.

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每次的四十分鐘一定會有人東看看 西看看
當一次 長頸鹿
一定會有人拉長他的耳朵聽聽看 找答案

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Ocean And Space Exploration

There are lots of places in the universe that’s not been explore, but we haven’t even finish exploring the amazing water on the Earth! There are so many places that people have explored, but they see amazing creatures and images there. That makes us wants to find out more about these 2 very mystery places in the universe.

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一、 想太多

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Ancient World Vacation

Dear Professor:

Sorry that I climb in your new time machine, I don’t know how it works, I just press the red bottom and the time machine starts to fly.

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Golgi body is the part in the cell that prepares and store chemical products, its like small sac of membrane are pinch away from the cell. It packaged the proteins in vesicles and sent them out of the cell membrane, of course proteins isn’t the only one that is send away. The size and the number of the Golgi bodies in a cell depends on the quantity of chemicals product in the cell, the more it produce the more and bodies are found.


Ribosome is where the cell assembles proteins according to the genetic instructions, in human cells there’s a few million in it. Most of the proteins are made by free ribosome, proteins that are made by the bound ribosome usually export from the cell. The ribosome is made up of two subunits, each of them has its own mix of ribosomal RNA and proteins. These subunits join together to form a functional ribosome only when they attach to a messenger RNA molecule. Ribosome functions in protein synthesis. As they move along messenger RNA, amino acids are joined in an order originally dictated by DNA. Several ribosomes can be moving along the same messenger RNA at once.


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Where are you going?our neighbor asked. It was a cloudy day, and it looked liked it was going to rain. The bad weather wont blow our excitement away. We were going to Taipei for 3 days.

My father drove us to where he worked. Oops, we were the last ones.My mom said. This made all of us rush up to the bus, and our exciting trip started.

When we got to Taipei , it was noon . The leader took us to many different restaurants: a seafood restaurant, a tea restaurant . . . . . We stayed in a comfortable hotel in Taipei County . We didnt just sit on buses. We also drove boats, rode on trains and walked too.

We went to all the places we could in 3 days. My favorite one was Taipei 101. My father bough the tickets for the elevator to the 89th floor, the floor that we could look down on the city. The elevator was so fast. It only took 47 seconds to get from the 5th floor to the 89th floor. W hen we looked down, it was amazing! All the cars and houses were like dust. We saw all of Taipei City .

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有一隻狐狸想溜進一個葡萄園裡大吃一頓,但是柵欄的空隙太小,牠鑽不進去。狐狸狠狠地節食了三天,牠總算能鑽進去了。但是當牠大吃一頓以後,卻又出不來了,只好在裡面又餓了三天,才出得來。這隻狐狸感慨的說:「忙來忙去,到頭來還是一場空   。」

當你一個人靜下來的時候,你有沒有問過自己:「每天忙來忙去,我到底在忙什麼?我真正追求的是什麼?」?究發現,約有93%的人不清楚自己的價值是什麼,他們不知道自己忙來忙去究竟要到哪 堨h,如同水面上的浮萍一樣,糊裡糊塗地過一生。他們的生活可以用三個字來概括-   -「忙、盲、茫」。下面這段話就是很多人真實生活的寫照。

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渾身解數 賣掉自己       文/王念綺



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 My First Mission on Mars


Whats that noise?I thought in the darkness. Then, after about an hour, the solar panels finally spread out, andWhere am I?I shouted. What I can see is only a red world, no plants, people, or any other things back Earth. While Im thinking, I got a message from the station on Earth,Sojourner, this is Earthhere is a new mission for you, youre now on Marsand I want you to…’ My 1st mission!? How can it be? Well I cant get back until Im done, so I get on to work.

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職業經理人職業生涯必須恪守的五大信條   於世偉



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【仇人與 恩人】 




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太享受不足取 有陽光就夠了

理財周刊 2007/07/06【文/蔡聖裕】

文章連結  https://www.moneyweekly.com.tw/Magazine/Info/%E7%90%86%E8%B2%A1%E5%91%A8%E5%88%8A/6642




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節錄「大家健康」 2007/06/15 【文/張慧心】

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別當直昇機父母Helicopter Parents


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