每個塑膠器皿在底部都有一個數字 ( 它是一個帶箭頭的三角型 , 三角型裡面有一個數字 )
如果數字在 "05" 或以上就可以循環再用,而數字愈大愈安全
但若小於"05",即"04" 或以下,甚至沒有數字,請勿再利用或加熱使用,
* 一般礦泉水瓶子 底部標示 1 (所以不要放在汽車內曬太陽 !! )
* 麵攤的塑膠耐熱碗 底部標示 5
* 一般泡茶的塑膠耐熱杯 底部標示 5
Plastic Packaging Recycling Codes and Typical Plastic Properties
Polyethylene Terephthalate
(PET) High Density Polyethylene
(HDPE) Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC) Low Density Polyethylene
(LDPE) Polypropylene
(PP) Polystyrene
(PS) Other Plastics Properties Clarity Clear Translucent Clear Translucent Translucent Clear Plastic ID Code "7" is for other plastics Moisture Barrier Fair to Good Good to Excellent Fair Good Good to Excellent Poor to Fair Oxygen Barrier Good Poor Good Poor Poor Fair Max. Temperature 120F 145F 140F 120F 165F 150F Rigidity Moderate to High Moderate Moderate to High Low Moderate to High Moderate to High Resistance to Impact Good to Excellent Good to Excellent Fair to Good Excellent Poor to Good Poor to Good Resistance to Heat Poor to fair Good Poor to Fair Fair Good Fair Resistance to Cold Good Excellent Fair Excellent Poor to Fair Poor Resistance to Sunlight Good Fair Poor to Good Fair Fair Poor to Fair