荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹

(這篇極有可能被分成上中下三篇 :P)



We were too late to get downstairs for breakfast, but I must say, that I love the breakfast here. I don’t know, there weren’t many things, but I just can’t help liking them. Maybe it’s because that I didn’t get a REAL hotel breakfast in France , there’s more chooses here. Well, I still don’t know why the waiters were standing there instead of cleaning up the plates used by other people. :|

The cereal was in small boxes, piled in a basket with two liters of milk beside. There were five or six different kinds of bread for occupants to choose. Butter, chocolate sauce, and jam in small glass jars were placed at the corner beside the bread. There were also different kinds of cheese and ham, with scramble eggs, potatoes, sausages, and others. And the yogurt, fruit, flower tea, fruit mix, coffee cannot be forget as well. All of them were delicious, especially the chocolate sauce. It tastes like the hazelnut chocolate in Ferrero Rocher (金莎), actually better! :)))

美味的早餐~~ 真的比法國的好多了!!

When I left the buffet, I grab one chocolate sauce, a small pack of honey cake, and yogurt. I accidentally grabbed the light yogurt, which is lack of sugar. :( I found that out when I ate it, because I couldn’t read the French on it.

While making my way to the bus, I saw a small sign beside the road, written ‘Welcome’ in four different languages. There’s also a small windmill in front of the hotel. :) I also found out that the buildings beside the hotel are the seminar center, and this hotel’s name is Sodehotel. :P

Leaving Belgium to Amsterdam is another long way, so this time I tried to type something on the way to the Netherlands . Grassland spread out from the horizon from both sides, with large areas of farms and one or two houses in the middle of it.

It’s easy to see the difference when you look into the streets as soon as we reached the Netherlands . At least the way for people to cross the street is different, and it’s greener here than in Brussels . The track of trams lay in the middle of some roads. Cannels appeared every few blocks; more bikes can be seen placed by the sidewalk as well. The weather is much better here today. :)

We still have lunch first when we got here, though we waited for a while to get in it. We ate with another tourist group from China , and I saw the tourist guide kept helping the waitress to serve the dishes. Is that a part of their job? = = The order of serving the dishes was a mess. The rice came in fourth, and the soup came at last, AFTER the fruit was served. = =||| The oranges were sliced in the wrong way, harder for people to eat it. :P

柳丁沏成這樣很難吃耶 = =

The restaurant was located near the National Monument, and there’s a great square across it, with a few street performers performing, attracting a lot of people’s eyes. After taking a group picture, we went on our own way, going to places we want. With yesterday’s experience, I decided to wander around alone. :)


First, I went into a 5 shop, searching for souvenirs. Well, the things inside were similar to the souvenirs found in other places, only the words or buildings printed on it are different. The main difference is you can find a lot of Dutch clogs and things printed with three ‘X’ on it. Sharon told us that the Xs represents three things the Dutch doesn’t want it to happen: the fire, floods, and the Black Death.

I came out with empty hands, without buying anything there, and I went on walking alone the cannel nearby. A lot of boats were tied to the shore, and some of the bigger ones were built into boat houses. Since Amsterdam is at the coast, I saw seagulls flying or resting on the bridges and boats. :D


The sidewalk alone the cannel is wide and beautiful. People parked cars on one side, and there are still a lot of spaces for passengers to walk or ride their bike. A few benches were placed alone the cannel, and people were resting on every benches. Tall thin trees were planted alone the sidewalk, and the mixture of the fresh air and the sea breeze brings people good feelings.

  :) 好吧,就是在這被搭訕的...

The Dutch is a totally different people, people here is more enthusiastic, and more open to sexual conversations. @_@ A man went pass me on a bike, whistling at me loudly. At first, I though he was whistling to someone else, but when I turn around, I found no other girl near me, or maybe he’s gay. XD

Later when I was taking a picture of myself and the cannel on the bridge, a young man came to me and told me that he can help me take the picture. I did, and thank him after he returned my camera. He started the conversation, asking me about my feeling toward Amsterdam , where I’d visit, and how long I’m staying here. He then asked me if he had the chance to send me back to the hotel. Well, I wasn’t going back there, so I said no. However, he move on and ask me which hotel I’m staying, he even told me that if it’s near, he can come and visit me at night. 0.0!!

I didn’t tell him where I’m staying. I actually didn’t even know where we’re staying tonight. After that, I check the time and told him that I need to go meet my friends. Making that excuse, I said goodbye to him, smiled and left. I walked a bit faster, and stop to check that he didn’t follow me when I reach the next bridge. It was actually scary when a stranger kept asking you if you can… with him. = = I really thankful that I didn’t met another similar situation like this when I wandered to another place. I guess it’s because I went to places with bigger crowds. :P

I found a few small surprises while wandering in Amsterdam . There’s a small café hidden in a small alley. I first walked past it and then walked back to check what it is. It’s more like a back yard, but most of the tables were full. There is a small piece of grass beside a house, and I have no idea how people could get there when there’s people resting there. I little boy smiled at me from a boat when pass when I was having a cone on the bridge. :D


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    B媽Letting Go孩子放手飛~

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