入園前看見的小孩~~ 擠爆的熱門設施Space Mountain Mission 2
英法比荷遊學7.24 (上)
We are going to Disneyland today! It’s about an hour of route to get there. Oh, and by the way, the breakfast was the same as yesterday. I just couldn’t understand why about half of the people in our group didn’t like the croissant with chocolate, I found it pretty delicious. :P
It’s another hour before reaching Disneyland . When we arrived, I started to regret that I wore long jeans instead of shorts, since it was sunny. :( I thought there will be a lot of cars lining up in front of the entrance, like what we usually saw in Taiwan , but there weren’t! o.0 However, the parking lot is REALLY MUCH bigger than any I’ve seen before. We went pass through three long moving aisle before leaving the parking lot, and we only reached the animal care center!
We saw a small kid in a Tigger costume, and most of us kept taking pictures of it. The boy’s mother seemed really happy, and even lifted him up for us to have a closer look. I strongly believe that many Europeans had put an equal mark between Asians and digital camera. = = There were securities having a brief check of our bags, as well as tickets, is that a tradition of France ?
It’s like twenty minutes later when we finally get to the entrance of the amusement park. All of the workers there were wearing special costumes that can be seen in different Disney cartoons. We separated into different groups, well, there is like ten people in ours, which is most of us.
We headed to the closest ride that was said ‘Adventure’ on the guide map, the Space Mountain Mission2. There were a bunch of people lining up in front of the gate, and the equipment was still under examination. Thought the gate was still closed, and we saw people jumping the queue! o.0 I didn’t except to see this in Europe , because I thought they should be more polite. I guess I’m wrong. :P However, we were told that they are going to shut it down for a while because of some problems. QAQ
While some people went to the bathroom, a few of us (not me) were attracted by the vendor selling ice cream nearby. = = They asked me to go with them, because they said they were a bit nervous. So… I think that I became a spiritual pillar to some of them in the regard of talking to foreign stranger. = =lll Unfortunately the cones they wanted had been sold out.
It was about noon, so we started to eat biscuits that we brought in. After that, they were attracted by the souvenir shop. I don’t know, I just don’t like shopping! Is that a strange thing to a girl? I mean, I’m only interested in shopping for snacks, food, beverage…… = = That’s the main reason that I’m afraid to step on the balance.
Back to the topic, I even found the props that we used in our drama competition, the laser weapon in Star Wars! I played with it for a long time while waiting for the others. Judy bought a pair of Stitch’s ears on the headbands. It really suits her. :D Almost everyone bought something when they walked out.
We walked pass the Space Mountain and found that it is opened again, however, we decided not to line up and get the FastPass card for the ride instead. Then we headed to have lunch, which is inside one of the show stage, and I think it’s actually a good idea to combine the restaurant with the stage. :) What I really want to tucao is we haven’t even started playing any of the rides but we had already EAT a lot. = =
We think that this is the restaurant similar to McDonalds that our bus driver had told us. All of us were pretty surprised to see a logo with a dragon and ‘ Taiwan ’ on it! It’s actually really cute. :D I helped some of the people order, because the line was pretty long, and I also got a Kids’ meal for myself. The Kids’ meal is about the size of the regular packages back in Taiwan , no wonder why I usually saw foreigners ordering two packages, because it’s actually a little more than the packages here. = =!
Though we already get the FastPass card, and we had been told that we don’t need to line up for a long time. Well… things just don’t work out the way you think. We still need to wait in line before we can get a ride on it, and the line is really long as well. However, there’s a screen on the way which is showing a brief explanation about the ride. I also took a picture of everyone, which make them think that I’m doing something that Sharon did. :P
When we FINALLY get to the station where we can get on the ride, the staff was surprised when he heard that we are a group of ten. His face looked SO funny! XDD And because we were ten, we need to wait for the next ride. :P I sat with Michelle on the second row, with Lisa at the front, Jo and Edison at the back.
Like any kind of roller coasters, we went up to the top of the trail and waited for a few seconds. I was chatting with Michelle when Edison started to burst out crying for mommy, of course in Chinese, and we also heard Jo being angry and tell him stop being a sissy. All of us couldn’t stop laughing and the ride suddenly started.
The ride is pretty exciting, and the largest difference between this ride and the others is the ride was indoor instead of being outdoor. There were also a lot of 3D images along the way about the space. We went pass the asteroid belt, avoiding bumping into any of those, and also speeded pass a lot of planets on the way. The most shocking and amazing one is the supernova explosion, almost everyone praise the view. I was totally attracted by the animation, and I even forget about screaming. Well, I wasn’t afraid of the rides, shouting is just for fun. :P
After leaving the Space Mountain Mission, all of us kept talking about how beautiful the ride was, but Lavie kept saying that the ride wasn’t exciting at all. She was the only one who kept stating that the rides of Disney Land in Japan are much more exciting than the ones here. Actually I did agree on the point that all of the images went away too fast for us to see it clearly. Though I didn’t like most of her compliments, I was looking forward to finding more interesting rides. :)
We started heading to another roller coaster. We stopped on the way for a lot of time, trying on different kinds of hats and headbands. I almost bought a pirate hat for myself, I really like it though. :P Flo and Michelle put a Goofy hat on my head, and it kept falling off! Edison bought a headband with Mickey’s ears and a small, blue witch hat on it and tried to pretend that he is cute. o.0 They even found a headband of pink Minnie ears in the piled of the other ones, and it’s actually the only one there. While most of them were made in China , we were all surprised when we found one made in Taiwan ! :P The dolls were also attractive, I love the dolls of The Lion King series!
We eventually walked into one of the rides, which is not exciting, the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean ’. It took us a long time before even SEEING the station, all of us was shock when we figure out it’s not an exciting ride, but we still got on it. We sit on boats and went pass a lot of life-size dolls of pirate, I must say that the props were pretty good. :P The boat also went passed a restaurant, where a lot of people were having meal there.
We went on another ride named Indiana Jones, this time, it’s a roller coast. :) There weren’t many people at first, but people started gathering after we lined up. We ate a lot of cookie and stuffs while waiting in line, we all agree that the crowd was brought by us. XD When we were almost there, some people we have FastPass tickets, and they got on the ride before us. :( Though we were a little disappointed, but they have the permission to get on before us. :P The ride was still awesome!