小六兒子的連載小說(第2部曲) (100/6/29)
Passios Acconist-The Incredible Fire Dragon
“What’s my destiny?” I said in a really quiet voice. Then an unbelievable thing happened.
The white thing talked in a deep, solemn voice, “You will meet your three best friend in the camp in the first month.” It stopped. Then restart, “You will be success, and get the most powerful weapon.” It stopped again, and says, “Success, doesn’t mean that the problem is over!!” and then It fly back to the mummies mouth.
I tried to open the door, but it seems to be locked by the outside and Mr. Dai seem to be in down stairs.
I tried many things to open the door, but there is a magic wall blocking it. I uncapped Dark-Night, the pen then transformed into the strange sword. I walk back to the end of the room, counted to three, run to the door, and hardly swing the sword on the door.
“BOOM!” the door explodes. Several wood pieces fly to my shirt.
Elizabeth walks up and shouted in a very scary face, “Dark-Night! The sword of Hades! Mr. Dai! The sword is found! How do you get it? Passios?” she uses her bright eyes to watch me. “My Latin Teacher, Teacher Feromes, give me this pen, or the sword.” I said.
Gadar and Mr. Dai then come up, “Where is the sword? Elizabeth ?” Mr. Dai ask while he’s looking for the sword. Then he lifts his head and saw Elizabeth pointing at me.
“What about him? He had the sword?” He asked. I nod my head. Then a noise come from the downstairs appeared, my Latin Teacher, Teacher Feromes, is running up the stairs!
“Passios!” Teacher Feromes yelled with a smile. I saw a lot of kids chasing him
“Teacher Feromes!” I said in excitement. Why is him here? Why do the other God-Kiddies attack him?
“I’m the President of this camp! You these little useless kids go away!” He yelled.
Several God-Kiddies stop, but most of then didn’t stop, they’re still chasing.
Then Teacher Feromes did a really dangerous action, he ran inside the room that I break and jump down from the window. I quickly run over and looked down.
“It’s impossible!” I shouted. Teacher Feromes is maybe two hundred meters away from Mr. Dai’s house now and he didn’t seem that his legs are broken, it is four stories down there! I was surprised that he wasn’t die.
I turn my head, everybody is already downstairs. Then I saw a cool thing on the floor, it is a ring with Ancient Greece words on it, it says, “Power will be on your hands, not left.” I put it in my inner bag, with Dark-night.
Then I discovered a thing, the ring will be shining in every hour, and my heart will hurt a lot, I’ll feel like I’m in a very thin tube and pushing me to a place, but the place is pushing me back. So I feel that I’m going to crush, this feeling will go away after a minute. It didn't feel good, I promise.