Australia study guide
Today, we woke up at 6:00am. Today is really cold, but we got nice warm sunshine. It’s a good day for school. For breakfast, we got cereal and Weet-bix, a kind of breakfast made out of wheat and some healthy ingredients, cereal is much better than Weet-bix because when you mix like three or four Weet-bix into a little bowl of milk, it may look like a bowl of sh*t. Yes, exactly.
After breakfast, our homestay drive us to another nearby homestay, because our homestay’s kid got to go to another different school. So we need to go to the other homestay, which is Jenny’s house. At school, which is the first day, we first meet at a room called “International Room”, after a little conversation with our teacher, it’s time for us to meet our buddies. My three buddies are called, Stuard, Josh, and Michael. Josh is the same age as me, and Michael and Stuard are one year older than me. Our teacher gave us a list of questions to ask our buddies, and the buddies got a list of questions to ask us too! Then we quickly finish the list of questions and go to have a little walk. On the way around the school, I soon realized that the school is made out of small blocks, each block has its own subject. So if you got Chinese next, you need to go to the Chinese block. It’s simple, but I often don’t k now which block we are going. After the walk, we got a special morning tea. The teacher bought lots of snacks and drinks for us to eat. Then after that, I go with Josh to have my very first class, art. At art class, they are doing an assignment, which is painting houses. Wait no, not painting on houses, they are painting their own houses that they design. What about us? Well, we are free! We can draw our own house for fun, it’s a great art class.
For lunch, I got delicious fried noodles. Then after lunch, I go with Stuard to have music class. Music class is fun, they are talking about rap and rock music, we can use the lap top to design our own rap. It’s a really fun class.
Tonight, our home stay serves us something special…… steak! Oh my god! Those steaks are absolutely delicious! We had a goodnight to night.