全團人為之疯狂的冰淇淋店~~ (讚!)


英法比荷遊學7.23 ()

       On the way to the restaurant, we bumped into a car with a British flag on the top of it. We were surprised that the French didn’t do any thing to the car, because we’ve heard that French didn’t really like English. XDD Since there were other customers, our tables were eventually separated. = =lll It’s pretty strange that the restaurant put the same group of people in different places.

The ‘rice’ is really delicious! The rice we had in England wasn’t as sticky as the rice we had here, most of us ate a lot of it. The other dishes were good as well, though it is a bit saltier than the dishes back in Taiwan . The tea they offer is also suits the dishes well, I felt relaxed after having a tip of them when I’m full.

It started raining when we were about to leave, so we called our bus driver to pick us up at the restaurant. We bumped into a Taiwanese guide at the first floor! She recognized us first from our ascent because we were chatting in front of the entrance. It’s actually not a good thing to chat so loud since there were still other people in the restaurant. Well, it’s still glad to met people from our country when we were aboard.

Our next stop is Montmartre(蒙馬特), which is the highest place of Paris. While walking to the church, I started to regret about moving the schedule of Printemps Department store to another day. I found out that the road to the church above wasn’t long, and the things selling in the souvenir shops look similar. = =

Before reaching the entrance of the church, we stopped by one ice cream shop. I could hardly understand the French written on the board, but there were clear pictures on the walls. :) A few of us bought one, it’s good that the staff can speak English. The cone looks really crispy and delicious, but I was too full to have one then.

While we were getting to the stairs of the church, a bunch of Blacks came up to us and started asking us to buy their handmade bracelet. They asked us to show them our wrist and they started to make the bracelet on it. = =!! I wasn’t being forced to stop by them, so I just stood on the stairs and watch what’s going on. Things turned out worse when some of the people in our group told the Blacks that they aren’t interested with the bracelet that they’ve just made for them.

When they are untying the bracelet, the Blacks seemed really unhappy and were distracting them to get the bracelet down. I went for help, and nearly got my hand tied with another bracelet. They didn’t really tie it tight, so I can help them get it down. Some of us like the bracelet, but they were asked to pay a lot. One of us were asked to pay 20 when the Black saw the bill in her purse. o.0 Two of us were also asked to pay 10, and that’s like ROBBING! It’s too ridiculous!

Sharon was angry when she knew that one of us paid 20 when she only paid them 2, she almost ran over to them and want to get the money back. I couldn’t imagine what will happen if we didn’t stop her. Though all of us were thinking how to get the money back, but it’s pretty hard to do anything when most of us were girls while the Blacks were all tall men. = =

After this event, most of us lose the feeling of visiting the church, because we need to climb a long stairway to get to the top. The view is actually good if we look down from the top of this hill, too bad that most of us want to leave this place earlier. I followed most of them down and started shopping with others.

We all know that the things we could found in the shops are similar, so we started comparing the price. I was willing to buy a shirt about Paris , but I didn’t found any I really like. :( Either it’s too long, or it’s too small. I was also attracted by one of the necklace of Eiffel Tower , but I decided not to buy it instead. However, I bought some key rings with others because they want to have a discount of it if they bought a certain amount.

While Flo was deciding is she is going to buy a long rubber pencil, Lisa and I kept discussing about the naked girl pictures on the lighter, which ended up attracting a lot of people looking at us in a strange way. I must say that the picture is actually looks fake… We then started playing (?) with the Chinese style fan that you can open it while flinging it. Lisa couldn’t open the entire fan, will almost. :P

After we went into every store, we walked back to the ice cream shop that other people bought ice cream when we arrive here. The cone is REALLY delicious. I tried the Tiramisu flavor, we can easily smell the wine, but can hardly taste it. Lisa was having a cold, so she kept looking at our ice cream and murmured about she couldn’t eat it. Edison joked her, and all of us couldn’t stop laughing.

It was about time, so we waited in the middle of the street, which has a large space with a few street venders selling souvenirs. We took a lot of time looking at a postcard printed with “I love you” in different languages, trying to find the words that we understand. However, we couldn’t find English on it. o.0

There were also two public toilets there. None of us knew how to use it, I made a try, and fortunately a stranger taught me how to use it. I was SO embarrassed because I didn’t notice the directions written besides the door. >_< It took a long time for the bathroom to clean up by itself, but there is still a strange smell in it. I found it difficult to use, well, you don’t have to pay for it like in England . :P

We waited for a long time on the bus because Sharon was dealing with the new SIM card that she just bought. The seller just couldn’t get the size right. Why the SIM card of Iphone is smaller than other kinds? = = I mean, it’s really inconvenient if we need to cut it. Still, the time on the bus was still funny because of Edison and Lisa. XD

Since the bus driver is Italian, I wasn’t surprise when it took a long time for him to bring us to somewhere near the restaurant. We even went around one of the block twice. = =lll It took us about ten minutes to get to the restaurant, and we asked two strangers to get there. One of the men that Sharon asked is handsome. XDD

The restaurant is in an alley, located in residential area (it’s pretty strange actually). The waiters spoke to us in English, but in a really strange French ascent, so all of us can hardly understand him. The bread they gave us before meal was really hard to chew, well Flo and Becca seems to like it.

The appetizer was baked egg and salad, they put sauce that tasted like yellow mustard, and I don’t like yellow mustard… There were small pieces of ham in the eggs, but I felt greasy after eating half of it.

The chicken was REALLY big, well, about the size between a quarter and half of a chicken. It is covered with a lot of sweet and sour sauce (?), and some vegetable that I’ll never get their names. The fries went well with the sauce, and I get the breast part of the chicken… T_T Becca was thought as a boy when the waiter came with three dishes and tell her ‘ladies first’ when he served the others first. XD It’s good that she doesn’t take it seriously.

I was really full before we get the dessert, I didn’t even finish the main dish. :P However, the chocolate mousse is too attractive to me! Well, I did like chocolate cake better, but I still finish the dessert, with out the yellow sauce besides it. There were also other tables being set up when we’re leaving the restaurant. They seem to have another combination, because their salad is different from ours.

On the way back, we went pass the Eiffel Tower , and also a lot of special designed building. I really like the building of Microsoft. :) I also enjoy the view of the river that we went over on the highway. I don’t know the name of it, but I’m pretty sure that we are at the suburbs, because I don’t see any tall buildings here. But still, this is just a way to stop me from focusing on my tummy. I’m getting FAT!!! QAQ


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