小六兒子的連載小說(2部曲)  ( 100/7/12 )



Passios Acconist-The Incredible Fire Dragon


Then the day come, the day to fight with the golden fire dragon. Elizabeth hold my hands and pulls me to the archery field.

There are many people going to watch the excited fight, I didn’t feel good. There are two walls with swords and shields on them, none of them is better than my Dark-Night, but I didn’t saw any cool shields, but I saw a really cool thing.

The wall behind me then opened, a huge, enormous golden Dragon then fly out, shooting fires at the audience. But there is an invisible wall blocking the fire from the audience. It’s magic.

Then Mr. Dai, on the highest stage talks, “The brave warrior, chose your weapons, and fight with the Dragon!” I run to the shield wall, looking for a good shield.

After a minute, I chose a big circle shield that is colored in black and made out of iron, its diameter is about fifty centimeters and it’s very heavy.

I took out Dark-Night, uncap it, and get ready for the fight, even though most of audiences are amazed with the sword than me.

“ROAR!!” the huge Dragon shoots a fire ball at me, I dodged and avoid the fire. On the floor, there is a big hole on the ground, but not very deep.

This is a very dangerous fight, Dark-night’s two lights didn’t combine. I turn to the white place, jump up very high, and swing it on the Dragons throat.

“ROAR!!” the Dragon’s neck is all red now and has a deep knife cut on it. Something unbelievable then happened, the dragon’s neck is repairing in an extremely fast speed, the next second, and the cut on its neck then disappeared.

I tried the second time but the same thing happened, the cut on its stomach didn’t work. Then…

“HUH!” my heart hurts. The ring is affecting me now, wait, the ring! Power will be on your hands, not left.” So it’s right!

I took out the ring, put it on my right hand, and see what will happen. Nothing happened, but fire is still shooting at me, the shield on my hand is already melted.

Suddenly, the ring glittered; golden lights are shining on it. The bad feel come back; but this time, the place is not pushing me back, after seeing a very shiny bright light, I arrived this secret place.

It’s a cylinder room here with shields in the right of the room and swords in the left of the room.

Every thing in the room is very cool, put not any sword is as cool as my Dark-night. All the shields on the right wall are all better and seemed stronger than Camp God-Kiddie’s.

 I chose one that is a right hexagon shape with a lions face, I think every side is about thirty centimeters. On every vertex, it has a spike that is about fifteen centimeters, and on the point of the spike, it has a black cloud just as similar as my sword’s brass side.

I then discovered another special skill from this shield; when you turn it, the smoke will equally surround the side of the shield and slowly grow to the face of the shield.

Then the door opened again, and the strange feeling come back, the door is pulling me. I looked at the room the second time and the door then pull me back to the archery field.

Maybe I really stays at the room too long because all the audiences are screaming at me.

“Jesus! Sword of Hades and The Shield of Evilness appeared at the same time!” Elizabeth yelled, I could saw the fear on her face. Maybe this shield and sword pair isn’t a good compare.

I pick up Dark-night, and swing it on the golden dragon, the cut on the dragon really works, and the smoke on my shield stops the growing of the dragon’s cells.

Everybody seemed scared when I could stop the regrowing of that dragon. Then I start turning the shield; the shield’s black cloud then grows and covers the face of the shield. I use all of my strength, and throw it as hard as I can. I saw the shield became bigger and bigger until it’s about two times big, in a fast spinning speed.

“SHRING!” I could hear and see the head of the dragon fly away, and the shield, just like a guy finished his mission, come back to my hand.

A lot of golden liquid thing flow out of the dragons neck and head. The head then grow out a pair of wings and stats shooting me fire balls.

This let me know another skill of this shield, when I use the shield to block the fire, the lion face then became alive, open its mouth big and eat the fire ball as the black smoke block its power.

Then the shield grows bigger and thicker, but the weight didn’t change. The lion’s head color then become a gold color.

The dragon head then shoots another huge fire ball; but this time, the shield did a strange thing, the lion head comes out again but its mouth has…… another fire ball!

When we shoot my fire ball has a layer of thick black smoke protecting it, as they hit, the black smoke blocks down most of the fire and began to suck the fire; as it finish sucking, it disappear; and the two times big fire ball shoots on the dragons head.

These reactions of the shield really shock me, and most of the audiences are afraid of the shield.

The dragon head is gone, leaving a body. But still, it’s alive, it swing its claws toward me. It’s very easy to cut the hand off but it’s hard to dodge from the golden bloods shooting at me.

I swing my sword on its hands. It should be dying, but not now. A cool word then comes into my mind, from the sword, RESPECTOM.

RESPECTOM!” I shouted as I use Dark-night to point at it. A green lightning like thing then shoot out from the edge of the sword. When it hits on the dragon, the dragon suddenly had a lot of knife cuts, but no blood is coming out from any place.

I cut down its legs, the magic I did stop the blood spilling. It helps me a lot. I start cutting the body hardly.

The dragon now has a lot of cuts on it, and then I had the last powerful cut. I jump up really high, head down, arms close, knees apart. Perfect down cut, I was angry why this dragon is so strong, I am fighting with this dragon for an hour, and I can't kill it!

The Earth shakes hardly, the auditorium nearly collapse, but magic is protecting them. I swing my sword hardly in the air.

“BOOM!” the dragon explodes as I cut down. The floor has a big crack as the smoke goes away. I cap Dark-night and put it back in my inner bag with the ring.

Elizabeth, run toward me and give me a big hug, her body is warm. After the fight of the dragon, my body was cool down by the blood.

“I thought you’re going to die!” she said. Then Jonn and Tiphanis come toward me. Elizabeth then let go her hand.

We walk back to Mr. Dai’s house. I was really tired, and walk to the sofa to rest. Mr. Dai said a magic word and the blood on my shirt disappeared. Magic is a really cool thing!

It’s dinner time, I go out from Mr. Dai’s house to eat dinner at the camp fire. The dinner that my parents may check me. I go to the campfire and sit with the Hermes God-Kiddies. All the houses are around the camp fire, the first and the second and the third table is empty. I remember that the first is the ZEUS House and the third house is the POSEIDON House. I didn’t know what the name of the second house is, I need to ask Elizabeth after the dinner.

Then the dinner begin, lots of food appear on the table and is unlimited. The House leader, Giagantar, teach me how to fill up the glass with coke or any kind of drink, you just need to think the picture that the glass is full of drink.


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    B媽Letting Go孩子放手飛~

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