小六兒子的連載小說4 (100/6/20)
Passios Acconist-Camp God-kiddie
This story is only suitable for children between twelve to eighteen years old
After three hours, we arrived the shore of the Arkansas in Kansas, with a big villa in front of us. My mom bought it with all of her money by the cookie shop. I wonder why she does that, but living in a huge villa must be comfortable. My mom then takes our baggage into the house with me.
The next day, it’s rainy out side. Water just pours from the sky. We only can stay at home. I am drawing on a paper on my desk. Then, the door bell rang, I quickly run to the door and open the door. There stands my best friend, Gadar. I quickly pull him inside because he seemed he’s going to faint. I put him on the sofa, wipe his sweat, and let him rest.
After an hour, Gadar woke up. He quickly pulls me into my room and leave me inside. Then he goes out and had a conversation with mom. After a quarter hour, my mom come into my bed room and tells me to pack my bags, “Time to leave and tell you the truth.” she said. With no asking, I trust my mom, something must be wrong or Gadar won't come here from Texas.
Another hour passed, I was prepared and put Dark-Night in my coat pocket.
I’m ready! Then my mom brings us up on the car. Then she started telling the truth.
“Passios Acconist, a wonderful name named by your father. You’re not a simple human, you’re a God-Kiddie.” she said, “Your father planned to send you to a camp to make you be safer. But I’m too selfish to put you into that camp, instead of attacking by monsters, I married with Stinky Salower to cover your smell for the monsters.”