Whales and Dolphins











Compare and contrast essay first draft

Whales are the most gigantic animal on Earth. They have a close relative which also live in the ocean, they are dolphins. Some of the people like to go out on sea to watch them playing in the ocean. Though they are two close relatives, they still have a lot of differences that you can classify.

If you look at whales and dolphins, you can know that whales are much bigger and heavier than dolphins. Dolphins send out a click that bounces off of other objects near them which puts an image in their head for them to navigate by, but whales make sounds to not get stray. Some whales eat shrimps and planktons and some eat octopus, large fish, and giant squid. Baleen whales just have baleens on its upper jaw, and they eat shrimps and plankton. Whales are found in the Indian and Atlantic oceans, and dolphins live in the northern and southern oceans.

Despite their differences, whales and dolphins have things that are actually the same. They breathe with lungs and have blowholes on their heads like our noses. They have flippers and flukes that move up and down instead of left and right. The one thing you had learn from grade three is that they are both oceanic mammals, so their babies drink milk and their mom must push it above the ocean and let them breath. They have a dorsal fin and their body is covered with thick skin.

Today we are still classifying the history of whales and dolphins. Maybe their ancestors were mice or fish! It’s still a mystery. Remember, whales and dolphins are both mammals, and if you could see a whale and dolphin, don’t for get to see what’s different about them.


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