
We woke up at 7: 30 in the morning since we decide to take a shower in the rest hour. We can sleep longer than before and also have hot showers!

We tried peanut butter and jam sandwich for breakfast, because we always want to taste it and today’s breakfast is also the disgusting oatmeal. It actually taste really good, it’s so delicious! We also eat some cereal with it.We cleaned our cabin really hard today, and the worship later is really fun as usual.

At quest time, we did a lot of things. We study the Bible about Jesus’ baptism and the water, we talk about how to conserve water, walk in a puzzle. We also write bad things that we’d done and want God to forgive us, and then wash it off. Very busy morning, but it’s great.

The sandwich is really excellent, as usual. We sit with Michael and next to the table of Dan and other Senior High Campers. We also need to finish the food really fast, because we need to find the song on the Internet. We were afraid that the little ones still can’t sing well, but we fail, because Peter’s computer can’t play music on You tube and Ian and Dan are telling us to go up faster. So we sing by ourselves, we didn’t sing the whole song (it’s too long). I’m really proud that they like Taiwanese songs, we received the loudest claps and cheers too. The next table (especially Dan and Ian) can’t believe that we can sing that well, they think our voice is really good.

We don’t really know what to choose to do at camper’s choose, at last we choose beach volley ball though that we can’t play really well. The volley ball is really fun, there are mostly Senior High Campers. This is my first time to really play a volley ball game. I don’t really know the rules, thanks for Ian and Emily (Eu and I are on their team) teaching me. Cassie told me that Ian is a good guy, is he? At first I played really worse, but then I helped our team scored eight points. Playing on sand feels better than on solid ground, and today’s weather is half sunny and cloudy, it’s a really good weather to play volley.

Ian can’t believe that I can’t play volley, he said that he’s on the volley ball team, and he teaches Eu and I to play volley ball, and some new rules and new ways to play. I also hit the ball in he without noticing him, and then on the second game (we had different groups). Ian tried to score, and he hit the ball on me when I was at the front and tries to save it. The other people said that Ian shouldn’t do it, but I said that it’s OK, because I hit him first.

At free time, Eu, Jenny, Zoe, and I each get a free pop from Michael because of singing the national anthem. Michael said that we sing better this time, but he like us singing our national anthem better then the song ‘Hand in Hand’.

I had one and a half piece of pizza with two pieces of peanut butter and jam sandwich for dessert. Zoe (sitting with us) think it’s disgusting to eat like that, but Eu and I really like that taste, we love it.

This time for the International Café, we got a South Africa folk tale story. Most of the story had changed, we had too much people, so I end out acting a bush. The story was boring, the Senior High didn’t came too. I wondered where they’d gone.

We went back to the cabin earlier. Eu and I started working on the gifts to the counselors. When the other cabin mates saw us reading the Chinese idiom to work on the Chinese names, most of them got crazy with the Chinese words. At last, Eu went to write Chinese words on their arms, and only I work on the names. We both get really tired.


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    B媽Letting Go孩子放手飛~

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