I know it’s not good to do this, but I couldn’t stand writing my own things in Georgina ’s class. I was separated with Stefano, but we didn’t really discuss a lot on the topic that Georgina wants us to. I wonder why he can talk with Michi gracefully but not with me, because they were classmates before? He doesn’t seem like he want to discuss with me. So, I just need to do my own thing to keep me from getting bored.
Lisa and Judy invited me to go to Sesame for lunch again, but I rejected it because I wasn’t really hungry. Instead, I went to One Step, a supermarket, and bought the same yogurt I did yesterday. I also bought a bag of chocolate cookie which is on sale. I saw a few Select students buying pizza for lunch at Domino, maybe we can try that some day. XD
I told Sophi that I’m possibly not able to perform on Friday, though Sharon wasn’t sure as well. She said it doesn’t matter. Today, we watch some a bit of Lord of the Rings. Then Sophi told us to think about how we are going to act out. I was separated with Sanleen and Katja, however, both of them haven’t seen the movie before. So they don’t seem like interested in it.
Beke was going to make Lord of the Rings very different, since we were going to make fun of it. Jaime, Oscar, and Martin didn’t like it, though I think it might be a good idea if we do it.
We were planning to slip away from the afternoon activity, but we ended up playing ultimate Frisbee. = = I couldn’t play as well as I did when I was in America , well, I’m not REALLY good at it back then, but still better than now. :P Angela is pretty good at it. Most of the Taiwanese students were standing and chatting. While we play, we kept miss catching it and the Frisbee hit the other girls sitting behind us. They move away after a few minutes. XD
When we were play, a dog came and kept chasing the yellow Frisbee we were playing. Its owner kept bringing back the Frisbee to us, then he PULL his dog away and he kept apologize to us. I was trying to play with it, but I’m afraid of its teeth. Well, the others don’t even want to get close to it. XD
Karen left earlier, and we decide to meet at the bus station when it’s about time. I lead Flo and Becca to the card shop we went yesterday, because they want to buy some. I also went in and I found that the price is pretty high. o.0 I went on wandering in the city center, and also had an ice cream.
We went home earlier today. Saila also got home when we almost finish our dinner. We had fish and rice for dinner, and both of them were dry. = = Karen didn’t want the fish, so I took hers, and gave her some of my rice, or else I couldn’t finish it. Saila asked us about the dinner, I really think it’s delicious, though Karen was AFRAID of eating fish. Saila blamed that Karen didn’t told her that she didn’t like fish at the first day when she asked us about what kind of food we want to avoid. I didn’t like the fish better without butter, but I didn’t tell her, because I believe she won’t prepare fish for us again.
While we were eating, Saila asked us about the maid in Taiwan . She said she heard that a lot of people have maid at home, and she is really interested of hiring one. I’m not sure about the price of hiring one, so I said a pretty high price. I discovered it after Karen told me upstairs. I really ‘admire’ Karen when she told me that she answers yes to the questions she couldn’t understand, and change the answer into no when she saw their facial expressions looks strange. = = That leads her to a big joke while Saila was asking her questions.
It was PUNTING again tonight, though the sky looks almost the same as the afternoon. XDD Karen and Judy was a little bit disappointed when they didn’t see the cute staff, they were planning to take a picture with him. This time we had Mary and Angela with us, and I volunteered to punt again.
When we are separating into groups of six, they were joking that people who punt with Lisa will fall into the river, and they even said Edison is useless while punting again. Well, Edison eventually invited Louis to punt for them since they still need another person to make it into six. o.0 Louis is EXCELLENT at punting! I even asked him to teach me how to punt, and he told me the trick to punt easier.
After Louis told me the trick of it, punting became easier thing, and we don’t need to keep talking about how to punt through the whole way. So this time, we talk about other things on the way. I punt much better than last time, and I believe that I can even punt with out Michelle telling me the directions to move the pole. Well, I didn’t really listen to her this time. XD Mary and Angela commend that I am really good at it, and they really relax this time.
We went further this time because I didn’t take a long time to get to the place where we turned back last time, and the weather is much better than last week. After going under the bridge we turned back last time, we saw the King’s College! I even imitate the professional punters to stop the boat in another direction and let them take pictures. Too bad I couldn’t take pictures of myself, because I couldn’t get my camera. :P
Louis finally caught up with us, well, he didn’t stop the boat and let the students on their boat take pictures. There were also other people, and they said that I looked profession. XDD They even took a picture of us! I almost fell into the river when the stick was stuck by one of the bridges. It was really thrilling. 0.0 I hold the stick really tight and try to stop the boat at the same time. Katja was there at the same time, and she looks frighten when she saw me. :P Glad that I didn’t fell into the river. :))))
Louis came close to our boat and teach me correct my actions, and he eventually taught me taught me the wrong way of controlling the direction of the boat! So our boat eventually bumped into a bunch of Select student’s boat. = = ……It took us some time to get out of the traffic jam.
When we went past the last bridge, Flo was upset because she didn’t get to take a picture of the teachers watching us form there. (I want to take picture as well!) When we saw the deck, I waved to Andy, and TWO Andys waved to me at the same time. = =!! I forgot there were two, since I know Edison ’s another teacher is also called Andy just an hour ago…
Well, I enjoy this punting trip more than last time, well, they are worth to be remembered in different ways. :)) sI’m falling in love with punting! XDDD