I woke up at seven and have a shower in the morning. The breakfast is still the same, but I really like the bread with milk.
In the morning hours, we talked about news and newspapers. Some of the vocabularies in the articles are really hard, but I still try to guess its meaning while reading the article. Jaime is really good at English, and he gives out a lot of very good thoughts after reading the articles. Katjo is also better than me, though she didn’t talked as much as Jaime in the class. I think I might be the worst in Advance level, let’s just wait and see.
I get hungry at about twelve = =, but we still have a class to go. So I went to the common room and get myself some kitkat for snack.
In Sophi’s first class, we shared our own countries manners with each others. They were all interested in Taiwanese/Chinese culture, but I don’t think that I explained well to them. :( At least I’d tried my best.
Though I occupied a picnic table in the garden, most of us decide to have lunch in the common room. So I gave up the picnic table and went inside as well. The lunch was still too much, and because I already had some chocolate before lunch, I didn’t feel really hungry. This is the first time that I throw my unfinished bread into the trash can. :( I felt really bad after I’ve done this. I think that I have to figure out a way so I won’t do this again.
We had to do a project in the next class. We need to make a guide book together about Cambridge. Each of us chose a different category: Jaime – food; Katjo – sightseeing; and me – shopping. Sophi also said that if weather permitted, we will go out tomorrow and ask strangers about their thoughts of Cambridge about those three things.
All of the students went to the Kings College this afternoon. The Kings College is near the city centre, and we also have to buy tickets to go inside. But this time our school will pay for us. :)
We first went into the church which is near the north gate. I took a picture of one of our teacher, but I didn’t know his name. :P The church is REALLY big and amazing! It’s different than any kind of church that I’ve seen in Taiwan before. The windows are made by different colors of glasses which makes a huge picture. The ceiling is also carved into beautiful geometric figure. There is also a long hallway which shows a lot of information about the church and some things about the Bible.
We went out the last because I spend a lot of time taking pictures in the church. The Kings College is really big, and there are large pieces of fields between the buildings. Because it’s summer, so it seems that no one is in the college. We also see people punting in the river that flows nearby, I’m looking forward to it. However, we couldn’t stay long in the college because it’s closing. But we found out that one of our social manager, Will, can understand simplified Chinese characters! He also have a Chinese mother(四川), that’s why he looks a bit like Asian. I also have a picture with him outside of the Kings College.
When we walked back to the bus station, Judy and Jingyi(中姐)stopped by Costa for some coffee. Karen and I left first because neither of us want coffee and she need to take a shower after dinner.
We got home earlier than yesterday, so we saw Saila making dinner for us. She made chicken rice, looks delicious, but she placed a lot on both of our plates. We told her that t was too much, so she putted some back to the bowl. I uploaded some of my pictures onto FB while Karen is taking a shower. The rice is pretty dry and it also longer than the rice in Taiwan. Not bad, but I want to try something that is local.
The bus is on time this time, so we didn’t wait long. I chose Rounder for this evening, because I’ve heard that it’s something like baseball. On the way, Karen and I walked right behind the teachers. Neither of us recognized that we walked too fast until the teachers stopped, so we stopped and wait for them. I asked both of their names, one is Andy and the other is Emma. They both teach the same classes, and one of their classes has Taiwanese students!
I chat with both of them on the way to Parkers Piece. (I left Karen alone :P) They also know that I’m in the Advanced when they heard that there are only three people in our class. However, they weren’t surprised because they said that I can speak really well. :) I felt REALLY happy when I heard that. Andy also asked that do we really have a lot of tests back in Taiwan, because Flo told him that they are good at ‘testing’. XD Haha, that’s quit true. I explained a bit about our school, and the reason I think that why Taiwanese students are good at reading and writing but not good at speaking. Andy and Emma agreed about it.
After I told him that I’ve learn English for a long time and my first teacher is a Canadian, Andy pointed out that I have a Canadian ascent. o.0 I didn’t even realize it. He said he thought I have an American ascent at first, but after chatting with him, he found out it’s different. Emma also said Canadian ascent is between English and American ascent, and she think it’s better because I can understand both of them really quickly. I don’t know if it’s better or not, because I still can hardly understand Spanish and Italian ascent, while it seems easy to English teachers.= = I think it’s probably because most of them learned a bit Spanish, and the other European languages all comes from Latin.
So, we FINALLY started playing the Rounders.(written too much about the talk) It’s mostly like baseball, but the bat is shorter than baseball bat, and we need to run more than three bases to score. The pitcher can only toss the ball (not throw), and we don’t have gloves to wear when we are defending. Only Jingyi and I played, and it’s pretty fun! Though catching the ball without gloves in cold weather hurts. :P After running, I get warmer and don’t need the jacket. :)
When it’s time to go, I couldn’t find Karen, and Jingyi can’t find Lisa as well! She gives all of her things to Lisa, including the bus ticket, mobile phone, and wallet. Thankfully that after a few calls, Judy answers my phone, they say that they were shopping, and they are heading back now. >.<
We headed to the bus station together, on the way, Karen and I stopped by one shop and buy postcards. :) I really want to try to send an international postcard, so I bought a few with some stamps.