小六兒子的連載小說1    (100/6/13)

Passios Acconist-Camp God-kiddie

This story is only suitable for children between twelve to eighteen years old.

After the big bang of the universe, there were three giant gods appeared, they were from the cosmos number7, called Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. There sharp eyes are kept looking for a good, beautiful planet to live on. In Poseidon’s eyes, he saw a beautiful blue planet in the Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy. That planet was actually Earth! The three gods then lived there and had their work of the planet. Zeus, controls the sky; Poseidon, controls the ocean and all the rivers, ponds; Hades, controls the land and the underworld. But, from now to the 21st century, the pretty Earth really changes a lot.

In the U.S., Perryton, Texas, only a town called Fostor and a small school in that place, there are only ten families live there. In the smallest house, there is a boy called Passios Acconist, which is me, and my parents; Jessica, my mom, a super kind and pretty women; Salower, my horrible and stinky dad. I went to the school everyday, we’re taught by a thin teacher, Teacher Dokkler. She’s a very mean teacher, everyday with twenty home works aren’t enough and can't even sleep in class or you’ll had a painful hit of Teacher Dokkler’s iron stick. I’m the best student in class, I had only one hit from the painful hit, and always finish the homework on time.

I had three very strange and special skills that no one could do that; first, I could jump over three meters in my back style high jump score, maybe it is about three point six meters I think; another skill is that I could know when and where will an earthquake occur tomorrow, and earthquake will occur when I am really really angry of something. One time, I told Teacher Dokkler that tomorrow will have a level five earthquake in 12:15, and the focus will be near the school in one square kilometers inside. The second day, the earthquake really comes, poor Teacher Dokkler had a foot lost in that earthquake. I feel sad about that.I had a good friend called Gader, he has a problem on walking, so when he walks, he look like he is lame. But if the lunch is cabbage yogurt salad with milk, you will see him “fly” to the cafeteria.

This is my six school that I had change from before. Every year, the school won't let me stay to the summer vacation. There’s only four days left until I graduate, my mom wish that I will have my Graduation certificate until the last day. We had a field trip in tomorrow, my Latin teacher, Teacher Feromes, tell me don’t make the trip terrible. I wish too.

At the day of the field trip, my mom packs my bag so I can’t brig some bad things. Then we move on. We went to the Ancient Greece Exhibition in the National Museum.

Teacher Feromes ask me as he pointed at the wall of decorations, “What is the name of that carving?”Eventhough I had very bad dyslexia, I know what is the carving about.

“The Titanomachy, sir.” I said.

“Great! Mr. Acconist.” Teacher Feromes said. Then we walk in to look the Exhibition. Inside, there’re many carvings that shows stories on the wall. Then it’s lunch time, Weartoy Tromendes, my most terrible classmate that I had ever met, then walk toward me. I had a very bad think that she will make me in trouble.

“Is your lunch delicious? Mr. Acconist?”She laughed in a very disgusting sound.

“None of your business!” I yelled after swallowing a big piece of pork. She then does a very bad gesture to Gader and pours his lunch on his clothes. Gader cried in a very bad mood, he’s a boy that’s very easy to make him cry. I was very angry and want to punch her , but I don’t have the permission. An earthquake then occurred, it’s my angriness, the level of the earthquake is the level my angriness was. Its level five, the water fountain behind us collapse into little pieces, and the floor behind and in front me suddenly had a big crack, the earth shakes really hard and the wall on the museum collapse.

“Calm down! Passios! Please!” Gader yelled. I then come out of angriness but Weartoy was now wet because of the collapse fountain. Teacher Dokkler run out of the museum and smiled evilly to me and said, “Miss Tromendes and Mr. Acconist, come with me, I will buy a new clothe for Miss Tromendes and had a little conversation with you! Mr. Acconist. ”we walked to the clothe shop in the museum. Weartoy went away after having her new purple dress. Then Teacher Dokkler looks at me, with a very evil face.





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