Summer vacations are great
[ 小六 兒子的Writing功課99.10.2]
When it is very hot outside, what would you like to have? If I were you I may want a summer vacation. You could do many things in the summer vacation. You can exercise or sleep or do many other things. We can relax in summer vacation, you don’t need to have as much home work as usual. You can go out and play out of your house like camping or go to other countries. The best reason why I like about summer vacation is that we don’t need to go to school! Summer vacation is great!
During summer vacation, we can relax. You can play until twelve o’clock and go to bed, or you can wake up very late in the morning. Nothing will bother you during summer vacation. You don’t need to hear your mom saying,” You should not go and touch that computer! If you touch it again, I will lock the computer and throw it away! ”You can play any time at home. Your parents still need to work, so they won’t come back in the morning and afternoon. You can watch movies and you will have plenty of time to watch it. You can eat chips and drink black tea while watching the movie. You are always relaxed in summer vacation.
The second reason why I like summer vacation is that you can go out and play! You can go out and live outside like a camp or a hotel during the vacation. You can go abroad during all the summer too! You can go and live at any place you want. I propose you to live in a hotel, it will be better. You can go and visit historic interests and famous people of that country or town. You can learn their language, and try the famous food in that place. My favorite countries are Japan , China , America , England , and Egypt . I like Egypt the best because it has the famous pyramids that no one knows how it is made. Going a broad is really good.
The best reason why I like summer vacation is that you don’t need to go to school! If we don’t need to go to school, it means that you don’t need to write so much homework during summer vacation. You don’t need to hear some teacher use abusive language or say to us that we are worse than other six graders. We don’t need to write so many homework from any teacher that will make us crazy. You don’t need to listen to some teachers say,” Look! Even the ordinary departments are better than you!” We are always free in the summer vacation.
When you are hot in the summer then you go swimming it is great. You are always relaxing during the summer vacation, no one will bother you. You can go abroad and play out side of your country. The best thing that will make mostly all the students happy is that we don’t have school. Summer vacations make me joyful.