

Three o’clock in the morning and the sky is still dark. I don’t know when did I fell asleep last night, but I’m sure that I didn’t get enough sleep and my mind isn’t sleepy at all! It must have rained in the midnight, the road is wet when my father drove out the garage. My mom and I were still confused why did he want to drove me Kaoshong instead of letting me take the car with others. What I mean is I really hope that he can get more sleep.

I arrived earlier than the time Sharon told us last time. I tried to use the Internet with my laptop, but I can’t. I DID remember that dad has told me that there is free Internet in national airports. Well……I don’t think so now. I gave up, and eventually saw Sharon and also other people. I shut up my laptop, and walk up to them. I began to ask myself that did I fell like nothing. Or why they didn’t notice me, it’s like…it happen a lot.

So, I met Karen (the second time). This is her first time traveling aboard, and she is quite excited. So am I, and I hope that we can have a good time for the next three weeks. :)

I also chat with Michelle on the plane because she sits beside me when we fly to Taipei. She is just two month younger than me, and she wants to get into our school’s science class. Best wishes for her.

And this reminds me戴辰柔, I forgot to tell her that I’m traveling to England. Um…well…I guess she MIGHT find the message out on FB. I hope that I helped her on the phone call she made before the second exam.

When I arrive Taipei, I wasn’t surprised that there is no Internet for my laptop. I bought a can of coffee for myself because I started to feel a bit hungry and the food in the airport is extremely expensive. Then Michele and I went to a bookstore to cut off time, we also use the free computer in the airport. Of course, they’ve got Internet, so I went on FB and check how much people have seen mt message. Still little, but it’s better than yesterday, and Go Study have already put picture on their web page. That was fast. I tried to call Johnson while I was at the boarding gate, simply just for fun, and I guess he is still sleeping.

I also saw Claire while I was boarding, well she saw me first, and she is just in front of me while we’re in line. She said that she is going to the south of England. I think she is quite brave to travel to England by herself, and it sounds so cool. I would like to try that as well in university, and I hope that my parent will let me do that.

On the plane, a family changed seats with Karen and I. They are having a trip and they are pretty kind and easy-talking. The mother sits on my right hand side, she is quite interested in Karen and I. After she knows that we are traveling to England for summer school, she asked a few questions about Go Study. She also tell me that she has a son who is heading to the seventh grade, and asked us things about cram school. I don’t think that my experience can help her, because mine is kind of special. We also know that they also took the plane flying from Kaoshong to Taipei, what a coincidence! Maybe Claire is too, but she sits far away from us, so I didn’t ask.

I found out the biggest difference between China airline and the airline I took to America is they don’t give us food very often. We only have a snack and two meals during the flight, and I can still remember how bad it felt three years ago when I’m given food once every three hours.

And here I am in London.

I really don’t want to do this, but since Karen REALLY wants to go to the bathroom, we tell someone in our group and I brought Karen to the bathroom which is on the other floor. (Sharon wants us to be in pairs) And that’s why that we delay a little bit at the luggage.

Well we get tin a taxi that the school prepared for us, and we have a ride with a seventeen-year-old Morocco girl. She is gorgeous. On the way, it weather turns from sunny to rainy. However, I can sometimes see the sunlight shooting out from the sky, landing on the field. I couldn’t explain my feelings, it is a very holy and beautiful view.

We arrived at the school, and we met Robert, who is the teacher. He told us a few things about our tomorrow schedule then we headed off to our home stay family.

Saila and her son were kind of like staying up late waiting for us. She said they went to bed at ten. After she gets her son in the bed, she showed us the room, the kitchen, and some rules while staying at her house. Since it’s nine half, so I decide to give her the present tomorrow and let her go to bed. I was really tired too, so after a short shower, I went to bed at ten half. Hope tomorrow is a good day as well.

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    B媽Letting Go孩子放手飛~

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