這是兒子自已想像的故事,迷失在一個荒蕪的小島 會發生什麼事呢? 老師說內容很有想像力~~  >_<  


Lost on a deserted island


98.11.20兒子 writing作業




我是約翰遜帝國的一個士兵,並參與這個第三次世界大戰,不幸和父親迷失在一個荒蕪的小島。有一天,我帶著機關槍,小心走過最高的山區,突然,我看到一頭小山豬,我追逐到一個陡峭的懸崖,小山豬跳了下去。我很驚訝,它跳下將近是 一英里 高度,往懸崖下看,我看到了葡萄、蘋果、梨、香蕉。我跑到另一座山,跳下懸崖,摘下水果來吃。每個季節,我們都到後山上採摘水果,使我們不因缺乏食物而死。每次當我們試圖逃出,似乎很容易,但很難,有漩渦,抹香鯨,白鯊,大環島。






花了一年的時間完成飛機。它有4枚導彈在每個機翼上,下一步,我們要推出去我們的飛機。我用藤當繩索綁在兩棵樹邊緣,然後拉藤「五、四、三、二、一 發射!」,這架飛機飛行速度超過超音速的速度和可以環繞地球兩周。我的父親快樂的笑了出來。


Hitler #2, Hitler’s great-grandchild, and Johnson Empire had a war of weapons, planes, soldiers, and slaves. Hitler was an evil man, he killed all the Jews because he want to vengeance for the ignominy of the world war one. Hitler #2 was more evil than his great grand father. Johnson Empire wanted to buy thirty million soldiers for thirty billion British pounds, and buy seventy million F-22 fighter planes for seventy billion British pounds, but Hitler#2 wanted a hundred billion British pounds for soldiers and planes or he wouldn’t give Johnson Empire the soldiers, so they had a fight and started World War Three.

World War Three, Johnson Empire and Hitler #2 had an incredible fight. Hitler #2 had more soldiers and planes than Johnson Empire. He had twenty billion soldiers and fifty million planes. My father, one of Johnson Empire’s F-15 fighter plane pilots, was a brave man who had a lot of muscles and could lift a rock that was four hundred kilograms. My father and I were Johnson Empire’s soldiers. My father climbed into his plane and I climbed into a V-22 Osprey. Hitler#2 was in an F-15 fighter plane, he saw me and launched a missle at my helicopter. My helicopter fell into the Pacific Ocean as fast as a meteorite.

I caught a rotor of the helicopter and swam to the nearest island. “Where am I?” I screamed. I sat down thinking about what I should do next, “BOOM!” something fell hardly. I rushed to the top of the mountain and looked far into the distance, all of the sudden an F-15 fighter plane fell to the beach and I heard someone shouting in the ocean. He was my father! I quickly swam over and pulled him back to the beach. I found a brandy on the plane and gave it to my father. I found a knife, a sword, two rifles, a sniper rifle, a machine gun, five boxes of bullets, and eight missiles on the plane, and then we threw the plane away. I used my rifle to kill two buffalos, three leopards, ten ducks, and a deer. I used the sword to cut 300 timbers and build a big house. Inside the house, there were three rooms, a kitchen, a bed room, and a bathroom.

One day, I took my machine gun, carefully walked over the mountain, and lay on the top of the mountain. Suddenly, I saw a thing zoom past my eyes; I quickly took my gun and chased it. It was a little mountain pig! “Stop you little pig! Don’t even think that you can run away from my eyes!” I ran and shouted I chased it to a steep cliff. The little mountain pig thought for a while and it jumped down. I was surprised that it would jump down because it was almost one mile high from the ground. Under the cliff, I saw grapes, apples, pears, and bananas.

I rushed home, made eight baskets, ran to the other side of the mountain, jumped down the cliff and picked the fruits for snacks. For more than two years, I always played poker with my father, and those poker cards were old and yellow. I said,” Yucky! The poker cards are yellow and they smell like poop! ” So we threw them away. Every season, we went to the back of the mountain to pick fruits so that we wouldn’t die from lack of food. Every time when we tried to swim out, it seemed easy but it was hard. There are eddies, sperm whales, and big white sharks around the island. I had made a big boat and gone around the island three times.

The first time, I rolled into a big eddy that was almost thirty meters wide and I fainted inside the eddy! The second time, a great white shark chased me to its shark group that was three kilometers away from the island. I could hardly get back because the great white sharks seem like they were very hungry. The third time was very thrilling. My father and I were sitting on the boat fishing, and then a large group of sperm whales swam toward us. I used my rifle to shoot them. The thing that surprised me was that the bullets had stuck inside their skins! The sperm whales pushed our boat and we swam back to the island so no one could go away from the island easily.

When we were sitting on the mountain thinking how to go away from this island, Hitler #2 was flying an F-15 fighter plane and he saw us and threw three grenades on the mountain. My father wielded his wine bottle, ran toward the plane and he yelled out,” You this damn Hitler#2! I will split you into half!” ” Maybe his head is full of poops!” I thought, I took out the machine gun and shot at Hitler’s plane. Hitler jumped out of the plane and opened the parachute. The plane fell into the ocean. I quickly pulled the plane back to our warehouse.

One day, when I were making airplane models with my father, I saw the broken F-15 fighter plane from Hitler#2 lying on the ground. ”Maybe I could try to use the airplane to fly away.” I said” It is a good idea!” my father replied. I took the broken F-15 fighter plane from Hitler#2 and cut one thousand timbers for the body and five hundred pine trees for the wings, and then I cut a long rattan that was ten kilometers long. I cut the timber into two thousand boards and used five kilometers of rattan to fix the body of the plane. I cut the pine into five hundred boards and used the other five kilometers of rattan to fix the wing of the plane.

 It took one year to finish the airplane. It had four missiles on each wing, I roped the two rifles together and used a rattan to shoot, and I cut a bamboo stick into an U shape to hold bullets. Next we were going to launch our plane. First, I used ten ropes that were fifty kilometers long and tied the rattan’s edge on two trees. Then we pulled the rattan to the longest length it could be, and tied it on a big branch or a tree. Finally we put the plane inside the rattan and we counted from five to one.

“Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Launch!” and I shot at the branch.

The plane flew faster than supersonic speed and went around the earth twice.

“Hurray!!!” I shouted. My father was cheerful and he laughed.

We got up into the air and saw Hitler #2 bombing Johnson Empire’s castle. I pulled the rattan hard, bullets shot out. I changed my seat, took out the machine gun, put in bullets, and shot at Hitler # 2’ s tail nozzle. In ten minutes, we had killed Hitler #2. Johnson Empire gave us twenty thousand sheaves and each sheave had fifty million British pounds. I thanked Johnson Empire and went back home with my father.

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    B媽Letting Go孩子放手飛~

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