英法比荷遊學7.22 (上)
I told Karen that I want to try breakfast at Subway yesterday night. I wasn’t planning to go with her (since I like to be alone), but based on politeness, I still asked if she want to go with me when I told her my plan. I also invited Andrea, but she said she won’t come with us. :P
We left Saila’s house earlier. I was expecting that the bus will come on time and there will be less people on the bus, but it was actually the opposite. o.0 The bus was late, and the bus was all full after two stops! A lot of students (I guess) were standing, and the bus eventually went pass a few stops if there are no people stopping.
I’ve never eat Subway before in Taiwan , and after I saw Karen ordering, I do believe that her mind of ‘coming here for vacation’ hasn’t change. She even told me to translate her order into English. = = Though I need dome time to understand some of the staff’s words, but I did try my best to order.
There is still plenty of time before the class starts, so I went wandering on the street. It was a bit cold outside in the morning without my jacket on, so I bought I cup of Mocha for myself. It taste like normal ones at first, but then it tastes a bit weird. I regret that I didn’t buy at Costa, though I haven’t try Mocha there before, but I believe that Costa’s Mocha tastes better than this one. :P I also saw Flo and Becca when I was walking to Select. :) They seemed surprised when they saw me.
We didn’t really have class today. Since it was the last day for most of us (only Sanleen and Beke were staying), we played games instead. We also exchange Facebook, Georgina helped us take group pictures, but she shake, and so the photo wasn’t really good. Oscar was late and he wore his pajamas to class!! XDDD
Sofie also asked me to write and pronounce “I like chicken” in Chinese and Taiwanese. :) Her face looks really funny when I wrote the Chinese words on her paper. XDD She also asked me what’s the dirtiest swear word in Chinese, because one of her friends want to learn swear words of different language. o.0 (Maybe she is the one who was interested in it… = =) I wasn’t sure if the word I told her was the dirtiest one or not…
There is also a game that we need to guess who the person on the paper that’s stick on our head. My hint was ‘the singer who sing “Yellow Submarine”’. I know that song, but I couldn’t remember who sang it. My classmates all looked really surprised, because that they think John Lennon a really famous person. (I’m sorry, but I seldom remember singers’ names~~) Jaime said, “Because she is Asian” and he sounded a bit satire. Q^Q
I get to know that we were the third to performance, and we’ll start the performance right after lunch time. That means that I’ll have time to perform! :)) So I asked Sophie to be the narrator. It’s a pretty happy time while rehearsal, I mean all of the time in England .
I gave two other book marks to Georgina and Sophie, they have different reactions. Georgina seems really happy, because she said she reads a lot. :))) Sophie wasn’t that happy, but she doesn’t dislike it. At least it’s better than hating it. :P When I bring my laptop to Flo (because she wants to order lunch of out summer lessons), I saw Andy and Emma looking really happily at the presents they received from their Taiwanese students. Andy also brings all of his presents around to show it to others. He kept saying “You see? I’ve got presents!” XDD (He looks like a little kid.)
I also bring a pack of Little Prince Brand Instant Snack Noodles(小王子麵) to Thomas (simply because I don’t want to bring them back home = =), and also took pictures with them. While talking to Alexander and Alessander, I said that I’m really sad because we couldn’t attend the farewell party. When Thomas heard it, he started grabbing biscuits and put them on my arms. He said that these are the cookies that all of the Taiwanese students were going to eat during the farewell party. He even grabbed a 24 packed Walkers on my hand!! = =
I must say that is much more than the amount that we will eat if we were attending the farewell party… He just laughed and said it’s also for our trip to Paris . This is the most cost-effective trading I’ve ever done before, but it makes me doesn’t want to leave, because the teachers here were all so nice. (<-- Select同學抱著戰利品)
Sharon and other Taiwanese students were shocked when they saw me bringing a hand full of cookies out of the building. They were really interested how I got all those things when I just bring a small pack of Snack Noodles to say goodbye to the managers. XDD The other students were also really interested in the cookies that I putted on the stairs. I was happy at first, but then I started to worry how to bring all those to Paris , because walking with a big pack of Walkers is a really attractive thing.
I acted out as a narrator, though I think only our class knows what we were acting out, but it doesn’t really matter. I want to watch Edison ’s performance, which is right after our class, but Karen was afraid that we might be late, so she kept telling me to go. = = (There is about one and a half hour left before we are leaving…) So I couldn’t really say goodbye to Alex and Louis. I just quickly give them the postcards of Taiwan and left. Andy and Emma smiled and watch me go with Karen.
Don’t look at me like that! It makes me want to hug all of them and say goodbye to them!! And I want to listen to Alex playing his guitar!! Q^Q Bye-bye Select……