
在St Pancras International Station短暫的停留

英法比荷遊學7.22 ()

There was still plenty of time before the taxi came, so I bring my laptop downstairs to the kitchen and charge it. I even used her scales to measure my weight, though I don’t think that it’s true, it’s much lighter than my original weight… = =I eat the yogurt that I bought yesterday and wait for the taxi (because Saila told us that we need to wait downstairs thirty minutes before the taxi came). The taxi is right on time this time.

We were the first to arrive the train station, Sharon came a minute later. She is pretty worried because there wasn’t any taxi to pick Lavie up, and we might be late for the train. When she finally came, we need to take another train to King’s Cross Station, and we don’t have enough time to take a picture with the nine and three-fourth platform. :((

The price of the train ticket to London differs a lot! The adults cost 20, but the children only costs 2! There were three adult tickets, so she gave one to Edison and the other to Karen, because she said Karen looked more like an adult. XD We eat the sandwich that Select prepared for us. It exactly the same as our lunch, but it might be the last time to enjoy this kind of sandwich. Eating with this kind of feeling, the sandwich tasted better than before. :) I still like the chicken flavor.

When the train arrived, we waited for the passengers in front of us to get on the train. We figured out that this wasn’t the train they were waiting for when I found them just stand there, blocking the way. o.0 It’s pretty rude to let other passengers misunderstood, but I think it’s also the way the platform worked out differs from Taiwan . (ßquite complicated)

Something terrible happened when we are getting on the train. The door shut up when only three of us (including me) got on the train. 0.0 I was scared when the train started moving. However, it suddenly stopped and moved backwards to the original place again. Thank Goodness that it didn’t leave.

We placed our luggage at the door (there’s an empty space there) because there weren’t any space to put large luggage. It took us about an hour to get to London , and it didn’t stop before we get to London .

The King’s Cross Station looks REALLY different than I’ve thought. Maybe it’s because it wasn’t the front station… It looks modern but a bit old but modern looking, you can even see the pipelines on the ceiling with only a piece of net covering it. = =

The St Pancras International Station looks really good, but since we are in a hurry, we couldn’t stop and take pictures. T^T Grabbing a big pack of Walker walking on the street is a REALLY attractive thing, I can feel people’s sights on me… We departure here, and we did similar things that we did at the airport as well. The luggage went through the X-ray as well, and also the Walkers! XDD I helped out because some of the girls’ luggages were too heavy for them. :P

There is just a little time left before we need to board Euro Star. After we went back from the bathroom, we need to get onto the train. We placed our luggage at the bar, because there is no more space on the shelf. The seat is bigger than the plane, and there is also a tiny trash can and outlet below the window. However, I couldn’t use it because I sit with a stranger, and I’m the one by the path. I like to sit by the path, because I like to walk around. :)

The bathroom on Euro Star is cool! You need to step on a black button on the floor to let the water comes out of the faucet. We need to flush the toilet by the same way.

We started eating the Maltesers that Thomas gave us. Tiffany also gave me a pack of Walkers that she bought in England . Joe is really lucky, because there is nobody sitting besides him, so he can place his stuff besides him. He even lies down for a short sleep!

I went to the bar for some drinks, well, I wasn’t planning to until Sharon told me that the hot chocolate tastes good. :P you can use both Pounds and Euros on this train. I saw Judy sharing a piece of pizza with another person. Sharon was also there, taking pictures of us. The hot chocolate is really common, but having something to go with the view outside is a fun experience.

I was imagining what the undersea tunnel will be like, though I know it’s impossible to see outside. If it something like an aquarium, then that will be awesome. XD

When it’s about half an hour left, Joe asked me to go to the bar with him because he want to change Pounds into coins. He said he is collecting 1 coins, because the pictures at the back were different. I agree to help him if he needs help, but my main purpose is to have a walk, because I ate a lot and felt a bit dizzy.

I was surprise that Joe took out a big bill instead a small one. I guess that he might change some of the coins back into bill, because I don’t think that there is that much style. Unfortunately, my premonition became true, so the staff sighed and changed the rest of the coins back. Joe told me to keep it as a secret, and then Tiffany came to the bar as well while Joe is putting the coins in line. XDD

I was observing the servants walking in and out at the other side of the bar when Joe is busy finding different coins. I don’t know that they served food on Euro Star as well. I guess it’s a higher class. :P I still feel dizzy, I guess I really eat too much.

I couldn’t believe that the undersea tunnel is THAT short. When I asked the staff at the bar, she said we were already in France . = = Joe and I guess that we were going through the tunnel when it was all dark for ten minutes, because my ears were drumming at that time. It was shorter than what I’ve thought.

It was late when we reach Paris . Edison told us that he spoke with the girl besides him almost the whole way. Lisa also talked with an old man besides her, though Sharon said she is causing his troubles. XD

Sharon then suddenly disappeared leaving her luggage with us, nobody know where she went. = = Some of us were resting, because it’s almost twelve in Paris . I tried to use my laptop, hoping that there is free Internet. Unfortunately there isn’t, so I lend Lisa to save her pictures into her USB.


When we saw Sharon again, it’s almost one. She explained that the bus that was supposed to picked us up wasn’t there, so she had be calling and dealing that priced with the taxies.

Walking around with a bag of Walkers is a strange thing, but it brought me a really unforgettable experience. I was shutting down my laptop, so I was the last to leave. Then two securities (I guess) came up to me and asked if I can speak English (I bet they were French). I was confused why they were asking me about that, and they asked if they could take a picture with the Walkers because they’ve never seen such big package in France . I agreed them right after they asked me. I was too excited and forgot to give them my camera as well, because they took a picture with the Walkers and me as well!!! Those two securities were handsome~~ > ///< (Why did I forgot my camera!!!) It’s the first unforgettable thing that I’ve met at my first trip to France .

On the way to the hotel, Tiffany and Mary were talking about their love stories with their boyfriends. Angela was half asleep, Lisa also shared her first time that a boy said he likes her. It was SOO funny, because the boy was moving the second day, it makes her thought that the boy was just cheating her. XDD Michelle’s stories were similar to mine, because neither of us had boyfriend, and we both have really close boy friends. :)))

I fell asleep right away when I get to our room. Karen decided to take a bath first, but I was too tired. It was two thirty in the morning!!! Well, our tourism started at ten tomorrow, so I can sleep until nine. :)

    創作者 B媽 的頭像

    B媽Letting Go孩子放手飛~

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