The sky is pretty clear outside, I couldn’t even see a cloud. So I decided to wear shorts today.
We talked about truths and lies in Georgina ’s class, it was a really dry class. The Portuguese girls weren’t as talkative as yesterday, Jaime was lying on the table and almost fell asleep. He even told her that he is bored. Georgina eventually stopped teaching and asked us what happened. I really don’t know, but I didn’t have the motivation of being in a class today. I tried to concentrate in the class, but I can’t.
On the second class, Alessandra came to our class and announced something about the issue we’d talked with Alexandra yesterday. She told Jaime that every Spanish students need to give up their afternoon activity and stay at school because the school manger had something to tell them. Jaime sounded a bit unhappy. I’m pretty surprising about how the school is dealing with this problem, though it didn’t happen in our class. I don’t think that gathering them up and have a speech to them can solve the problem, but will make it worse.
We talked about switching classes when our lessons ended. Since all of us wanted to have more classmates and have more people to discuss with, we agreed to separate into bigger class. Georgina said that she will talk to Thomas later for us.
At twelve, I went downstairs and talk with other Taiwanese students about the announcement. Andy and Emma were there as well. Andy also added into our conversation. He knows how the Spanish students behave, and he feels ashamed for them, even he isn’t Spanish. We also asked him about our activities in the afternoon, because we don’t know what the Grantchester Meadow is. Both of them said it is a really beautiful place the recommended us to go.
When it’s about class, I walked out of the room and bumped into Alex. He seemed really happy today. Well, he seemed happy everyday. = = Every time I saw him, he always asks me, “How are you?” energetically. I told him I think I’m good this time, because I wasn’t sure what my feeling is after we were talking about the Spanish students. However, I should have told him that I’m really good today, I shouldn’t let others worry about me, since that’s how I’ve came to today. :)
I really think Sophi’s class is more interesting than Georgina’s (sorry Georgina !). I think it’s because I like the topic she taught us better than Georgina ’s. :) Despite of this, I really want to switch into Alex’s class after I’ve heard from a lot of people that his class is fun. I’ve been thinking about that for a long time, though I’ve hear that he will give tests in the morning classes, but Michelle and Becca are in his upper-intermediate class as well. However, I started to think that if I should keep this idea out of my mine or not. I came all the way here to practice my English with other international students, not to be with my new friends. = = Whatever, I still hope that I can get to a new class were I can found my friends, new friends, and more interesting class. :)
At noon, some of the Taiwanese students who have classes at the church didn’t appear. Lavie came back with a big bowl of yogurt for lunch, because she said she had enough with the sandwiches. She also told us that the others went to a Chinese restaurant called Sesame for lunch. Um… Sounds like a great idea. :) Since we can eat out, most of us decided to try that restaurant next week.
In the next class, Sophi wanted us to write down five questions about UK . I only think of four. :P Then we were brought to different classrooms and get to ask other teachers about this question. We asked about six teachers and went back to the classroom. Jaime asked a lot political questions. o.0 He is really into it. A lot of teachers recommend me to go to Edinburgh (about five), three said Manchester . Maybe I can visit there someday by myself. Louis also joked Katja to bring a British boy home as a souvenir.
This is a fun activity, but I think if we find different teachers at the same time, we don’t have to take turns standing there and wait for others to finish their questions. I know it’s impossible, because Sophi needs to keep an eye on three of us, but I still find good answers when Katja was asking. :) Well, I’m not interested in politics. (Sorry Jaime >_<)
We went to the Grantchester Meadow this afternoon because both Andy and Emma said it’s a great place to go. We thought it will be something like botanical garden. After a long walk, we were all shocked. Its entrance does feel like one, but when we pass it, what we saw is a big piece of grassland with some trees. = = ?! We all have a feeling of being cheated, because all of us thought of Parkers Piece at the same time. Maybe we should chose the other one, though I don’t know what the Whipple Museum is about.
I shouldn’t have thought it as a botanical garden, but that’s how Andy and Emma describe to me! Well, it’s a MEADOW. We still play different kinds of card games together under one of the trees. Some of them lie down and listen to their music. Joe even fell asleep under the shadow! I must say the grass is a bit longer and softer than Parkers Piece. It’s really comfortable to lie down and watch the sky.
Will is playing ultimate with some boys. He played really well! :) They reminded me of the days back in America . They are different, Clearwater forest is a summer camp, while Select is a summer school. I like Clearwater more simply because most of the time we are relaxing. We also get to have more choices for the activities, though I sometimes don’t know what to chose. I don’t think that I’ll have a chance to go back there, but I’m still missing EVERYTHING there, including the counselor, boys I met XDD, the natural environment, the beautiful music, etc. :)))
Back to our topic, I was sent to ask Will how to get to the bus stop when it’s about time to go. = = On the way to the bus station, we went pass where we were punting yesterday. We saw the staff that Karen and Judy were crazy about, both of them started taking out their camera. = =
Karen tried to finish the rest of the pasta and eventually got too full. = =” I did tell her not to though wasting isn’t a good thing… The bus was late AGAIN, but Karen and I had fun taking picture on the side walk this time. I even had a picture with the ‘ Campkin Road ’ sign. :)
Only Tiffany was interested about the Poker night. She wants someone to be with her in the common room, but none of us were interested in it. I didn’t even know how to play. = = So all of us slipped away very soon.
Karen and I brought Flo and Becca to Tesco since they didn’t go with us last time. I didn’t buy anything. We saw a two-seated baby car when we were waiting at the bus stop. Instead of sitting beside each other, the two children were separated into upper and down floor! o.0 This is the first time that saw this kind of baby car. What’s more, I saw a man with his hair in light blue when the bus stopped by the train station! But I couldn’t take a picture of him. :( Just let everything go with the flow.
Saila made chicken sandwich for our trip tomorrow. I’m excited about going to London . Though I REALLY wanted to go to the British Museum , I still chose the walking tour with others. I bet I can see a lot tomorrow. :)))))