Shelia wakes us up at 7:10 so we’re a bit hurry to the dinning hall for breakfast. So I don’t have enough time to dry my hair. Breakfast is muffins, so I choose to have cereal.
We quickly practice our show in cabin time, quickly clean our cabin and they started to play games, but I didn’t play any. I started to pack up some of my things and watch them play.
The quest at the vesper after the worship (still fun and excellent) is not too bad or too good. Bryn and some of the campers are sharing about their own church mission, most of the time, I am looking at some where else. There is a squirrel eating on a branch, and there are loans on the water too. I also played with the dirt.
The pasta at lunch is awesome too! It tastes really good, just as last week.
Later at camper’s choose, we went to Ultimate Frisbee. There are lots of senior highs playing, and there are some other counselors playing with us too. We’re split into 5 teams, and our team didn’t play with Eu’s team. Ian (senior high camper) and Dan are trying to scare me through the game. I’m not scared at all, but both of them said that I’m scared. But I don’t feel annoy at all, and I don’t know why. Well, I mean that both of them are screaming and shouting through the whole game. It was fun (though I still can’t play really well).
At free time, we finished our chips first and later, we went to the basket ball court because, Eu and Anji (one of our cabin mates) are going to play basketball. I first went back to our cabin to get our cameras, and then go and see some of the counselors and the senior high campers playing beach volleyball. Later I went back and saw Jenny is there too. Two of us stay beside and took some pictures. They are a lot of people playing Ultimate Launch on Eagle Longe, and we heard them screaming, because they got a new record: 27 kicks. They are really happy about that.
The Sloppy Jones for dinner is great too. Eu and I also went to get some cheese to put it into the hamburger. Yum!
Later we played the all camp game call ‘Bonkers’. We need to find 5 counselors (L.T., Jess, Bryn, Lucy, and Ruth) to collect the word “Soul!” as many times as possible. There are other counselors called the Bonkers and the Medicates. When your caught by a Bonker, you need to wait for a Medicates to can and you need to ask for help. The Medicates will tell you to do some strange thing so they can let you go. I’m caught by a Bonker (Big Ali) once, because I was tired at that time, and Ian (he is caught right before me) is laughing at me, because, I didn’t really notice Big Ali.
At the half way, I met Vivian and having Zoe on her back, so I change with her. I give Zoe a piggy back ride, and let Vivian have a rest. The Bonkers just walk right pass us. After Vivian leaves us, one bonker caught us, and we explain that Zoe’s leg is hurt so we can’t go fast, so the Bonker let us go.
After that, every one will get two shoe laces (senior high campers get one this week, one next week), and we need to write three word about the camp and we need to hang it on a string when we get to worship. Today’s worship is different, someone move the benches into a circle and only Doug, Kate, and Jake are sitting in the middle playing music.
But, there is a really bad news, because the worship took us a lot of time, and it gets too late, so we can’t have the dance party and the show tonight. We were pretty sad about that, because we really want to do the show.