聖保羅大教堂+千禧橋 英法比荷遊學7.17 歐洲遊學遊記 It was a not really cold in the morning, so I bet I can still enjoy my day without a jacket. :) Well, I’m still going to find one in the London . Sharon was really surprised when she saw I’m the only one wearing short sleeves. ( Edison was wearing shorts!!) She said I’m getting used to the weather here, and I think so as well. We waited for a few minutes before the bus arrives. Sharon told us that there will also be three European students coming with us. I hope that they are boys, but I know that they weren’t at the first sight I saw them through the window. Joe was curious about how did I know that they are girls, it’s because I saw pony tails! XDD There were only about twenty people on the bus, so each of us can have two seats on the bus! It was awesome!!! I fell asleep on the way. I woke up when we are nearly there. The weather is pretty good in London . :) Our first stop is St. Paul Church , but we don’t have the chance to get inside and visit. = = Then why are we going there if we can’t go inside! At least I think it looks better than the Buckingham Palace . We didn’t stay for a long time. After taking a few pictures, we headed to our next sight with is right across the church, the Millennium Bridge . The Millennium Bridge isn’t really special, but we can see the London Bridge from it. There are also some empty sightseeing cruises(觀光船) on the river. This bridge looks really modern, and it forms a contrast with the London Bridge (it’s a bit far). I took too much time again trying to take a picture with both of the bridge, it doesn’t actually look good. = = The Millennium Bridge connects St. Paul Church and Tate Modern, which is our next stop. We stopped by the exit of the bridge for a couple of minutes, because the teachers were discussing about our trip in the afternoon and what time should we leave. The sun comes out, so I took a lot (I guess) of pictures of myself while waiting. When we get into Tate Modern, we found out that each guide book costs £1 each. We need to put the money into the plastic box near it. = = None of us take one. After walking through an exhibition, all of the Taiwanese students went into the souvenir shop! = = ?! I thought this should be the last one to visit…… The souvenirs in the shop are REALLY expensive, I quitted buying any of them after I saw the price. We didn’t need to buy any ticket to get in, but there is a donate box on the first floor. Surprisingly, we saw NT$100 inside it!!! I put three pennies in it. :P Michelle, Edison, Joe, and I left first. We first get to the third floor where the Tate Modern Collection Display is. All of us thought that we weren’t allowed to take pictures in the museum when we saw a camera with a cross sign on it at the entrance. We then figured out it means no flash light after seeing a lot of people taking pictures in it. = = We need to charge for the exhibition on the fourth, which is a special exhibition about Miro. I didn’t even know who he is. = = I couldn’t understand modern art, I like Monet’s works better than their. :) However, I really like one of the photographs. It’s a beautiful and peaceful picture of a house with green garden and also the nuclear power factory behind it. I was pretty shocked after I saw it, it reminds me of the nuclear disaster in Japan . :( There is an Espresso Bar on the fifth floor, and the view is pretty good when we looked out from the balcony. There are also seats in the hallway for people to rest. On the top floor is the restaurant, the view is extremely great from there. We can take good pictures of St. Paul Church and the Millennium Bridge together. It’s getting a bit cloudy, hope it doesn’t rain later. We have lunch outside Tate Modern, the grill selling there looks delicious! Our sandwich was the same as yesterday’s. I like the bun which Saila prepared for breakfast more than this kind of toast. :P A few minutes later, it started pouring!! So we went into the Tate Modern and waited for the rain to stop. Thankfully that the rain didn’t last very long, so we started heading to the British Museum . On the way, Sharon bought warm peanuts with sugar on it for all of us. It’s pretty sweet, and the peanut isn’t crunchy. :( And it started to rain heavily again when we were almost there!! So we stopped at the train station and waited for the rain to stop. The British Museum looks old……and classical. We also need no ticket to go in! Well, there is a big plastic box near the entrance which told you to donate £4. It’s still cheaper than any of the museum in Taiwan . We have only three hours for the British museum and the souvenir shops. = = !! I immediately rushed to the Egypt Hall for the mummies. There were so many people in this hall, I took a lot of pictures in it. It’s an awesome thing to take pictures. :)) After finish watching the Egypt hall, I went upstairs to the Japanese and Korean culture exhibition. There weren’t a lot of people in these two areas, but there are a lot of good thing. I also went to the area which displays things of Chinese culture. Well, I actually ‘went pass’ it. I thought I could see something that the English army took away form 圓明園, but I didn’t find anything. = = Maybe it’s because I didn’t search very carefully, since I’m in a rush. On the way back, I also went through the North America exhibition. There is a really famous decorations form Mexico , and also the wood sculpture form North America . I also take a picture with the stone from the Eastern Island ! :)))) I went to the souvenir shop in the British museum. There were so many people there! I also saw a lot of Japanese students wearing their uniforms in the shop. The line was long, and I saw people cutting into the line. I still got the things I wanted. :) However, the staff gave me too much change. It should be 2penny, but she gave me ₤2. So I put them into the ₤2 into the donate box at the entrance. :) There wasn’t very much time left when I left the British Museum . I also bought some things at the souvenir shop, and also a new jacket which has the word ‘ London ’ on it. : ) I was going to try Starbucks, which is right across the British Museum . Unfortunately, it was time to go. :( I asked the others if they put money in the transparent donate box, and nobody did. I might be the only one, though it’s because the staff gave me the wrong change. We met Andrea on the bus station. She said she went to many places in Cambridge for shopping, and she also went to the other shopping center which is a bit smaller than the city center. When we got home, Saila was on the first floor with the vacuum. She was a bit annoy and she complained about the trash can in the bathroom is full of toilet paper. I didn’t knew that they should go into the toilet as well, what I did is kept apologize to her again, again, and again. I hope that Karen understand as well, because she seems like she understands. Then three of us went upstairs and deal with our clothes that Saila had already folded for us. WE went downstairs later for dinner. Saila was there as well, she also apologized to us. o.0 She told us that she shouldn’t be mad as us, because we might not know that we shouldn’t put the toilet paper in the trash can due to different culture. I know she is still angry, but I promise her that I won’t do that again. I should have understood her home rules. I’m thinking about changing into a new class for the whole night, and also the dinner with every Taiwanese student tomorrow. 大英博物館的"結緣"箱
We were told that there will be a taxi to pick us up at our host family. However, we don’t know that the taxi in England will come twenty minutes earlier than the time we told them to. = = Saila was a LITTLE bit annoyed because she had to get up and answer the door since we couldn’t hear anything from the third floor.