After a good sleep and a shower in the morning, we had a delicious breakfast, I ate a lot. I ate two bowls of cereal, two donuts with butter on it, and some eggs. When we walk back to the cabin, we need to pick up trash on the way.
Worship is fun, the senior highs and Dan are having a good time singing and dancing crazily at the back. They look funny and happy.
Quest isn’t really fun like last week. We don’t play a lot of games and we are discussing about praising the Lord through the whole quest time. We also need to pick up something at vesper and tell them how it is praising the Lord. The good thing is we leave the vesper earlier. We stay outside of the dinning hall and play the ‘Wa’ game. At first, I went to the bathroom, when I get back they’re just about to start. Dan wants me to join the game, but I said no. As result, Dan just pulls me in, and I win the game. Dan said that I’m good at it.
Lunch is corn dog and fried potato again. I didn’t eat a lot, because I eat a lot in the morning so I’m not really hungry.
At camper’s choose, Eu and I went to play soccer. It was fun to play, Eu and I are on the same team, but Eu’s foot hurt badly in the middle, so she didn’t played the rest of the game. I only played the defense, and actually I played really well. I blocked most of the balls from Ian, Cole, and Kyle (the senior highs). They are really impress of me and they call me ‘the wall’, one of the senior highs also swear to me that one day, he’ll break through me someday. Doug also came and play in the middle, he play on our team. He and Riki can cooperate really well, and they score two points and make a tie. I really had a good time playing with the senior highs.
At free time, we ate chocolate and chips that we brought here and also teach Jenny and Zoe the national anthem. Lots of the counselors are looking at us. Bryn also came and ask us if we can teach him some Chinese. Eu went to teach him so I need to teach two of them at once, both of them are arguing at each other. Michael also come and watches us practice. Four of us grab his towel and don’t let him get it. Five of us are chasing around the dinning hall, because he make us need to sing the national anthem tomorrow at lunch.
Dinner is rice!! Though it isn’t sticky rice, and we don’t have chopsticks to eat with. It’s a really big surprise, last week we don’t have rice on Tuesday.
Later the sailor join our adventure unit night, all of the activities are the same. When we’re playing something lucky happen, I told Lucy that last week I got Subway and I show her how to act it out, and Lucy also got Subway too! She said thanks goodness that I’ve told her how to act it out. All of the scores tied except Michael’s team because he cheated so they gain one more point. Eric said that it doesn’t count since he cheated.
When we got to vesper around the camp fire, Dan was laughing at me, because he thinks I look funny when I see the marshmallow. Well, I really like the marshmallow. We also win the Adventure Cup! This time, Eric didn’t just tell us his poop story. He also tells us a ghost story that’s about him. It’s a really good story, I’m not sure if it’s true or not, he didn’t even finish it! We all really want to know the ending, but he won’t tell us.
Doug came to our devotion at eleven. He tells us a story that he read last Friday in the basement of Eagle Longe, but Eu and I tell him that we’re sleeping at that time. Well, Doug said that it doesn’t matter, he also gives us a challenge is to pick up 100 pieces of garbage as a cabin. He’ll give us a free pop or a free candy bar if we finish the challenge.